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Jon Fleischman

Rep. Loretta Sanchez visits Hef & Crystal At The Playboy Mansion; Hef Tweets!

Embattled Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez continues to duck debates with her GOP challenger, popular Assemblyman Van Tran.  One can presume, I suppose, that the important responsibilities of an important Member of Congress like Sanchez have her too busy for such "luxuries" as debating an opponent before a competitive election.

So what exactly is keeping Representative Sanchez busy?

You need look no farther than the Twitter feed of none other than Playboy Magazine founder and owner Hugh Hefner.  Yesterday afternoon Hef tweeted, "Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is having lunch at the Mansion. I’m a long time supporter."

One has to wonder if the choices that Loretta Sanchez makes in who she hangs with and where she hangs out are in-tune with the blue collar district she represents.  Who can forget her infamous "pussycat" holiday card of a few years ago where this image of Sanchez, with a cat in her lap, was mailed out with a bold headline, "Pet The Cat…"

The sad thing is that while Sanchez is "hanging out at the mansion" and sharing photos of her favorite feline, she is also voting in unison with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on her radical left-wing agenda… 

One has to wonder if the Congresswoman will perhaps include a photo of her with Hef and Crystal in her holiday card this year…  Of course, she may be too busy looking for a new job to be worrying about that…

Well, for those of you who have not had an opportunity to take your own trip to the Playboy Mansion, I thought I would include a brief video tour so that in case you run into Congresswoman Sanchez, you can tell her that you, too, know where to find the grotto…