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Senator Tony Strickland

It’s an Honor to Recognize President Reagan

It was truly an honor to join Governor Schwarzenegger and first lady Nancy Reagan yesterday at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library to witness the signing of two bills honoring former California Governor and U.S. President Ronald Reagan. SB 944, a bill I joint-authored with Senator George Runner, designates February 6 of each year as Ronald Reagan Day. The first official Reagan Day next year will occur on the 100th birthday of the former president. Also signed into law was Assemblyman Garrick’s AB 1911, establishing the California Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission which will plan for the promotion, celebration and recognition of Reagan’s 100th birthday. Keeping in the spirit of Ronald Reagan’s idea of limited government, all of the preparation called for in AB 1911 will not use any taxpayer funds or grow the state’s bureaucracy.

In the midst of California’s out-of-control spending and rapidly increasing bureaucracy, I can think of no better time to remember a man who spent his life and career promoting limited government and fiscally responsible policies which freed up Americans to invest, thrive, create jobs and strengthen our economy. During yesterday’s ceremony, I was reminded of this quote from Ronald Reagan, "Nations crumble from within when the citizenry asks of government those things which the citizenry might better provide for itself. … [I] hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts."

The wisdom of Ronald Reagan seems especially applicable today. It is an honor to officially recognize his fearless leadership and contributions to our state and nation.