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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Challenge to readers on today’s number of Union-Trib pages

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the "ghost" pages in the Sunday edition of The San Diego Union-Tribune.  Alas, I didn’t seem to spark an interest; few others seemed to be curious that the paper claimed 136 pages, when I could only find 98.

So, let me throw out a challenge today, to readers of the actual non-online newspaper…

On page A-1 of today’s U-T, in the lower left-hand corner, the paper claims 162 pages.  So, readers: find them. Count the regular pages, including the classifieds (pretty simple math, considering each section lists the page numbers in the upper corner).  Go ahead and count the Real Estate advertisement section.  Include Parade Magazine and the Comics in your tally.  Heck, even go ahead and total the ad "sections" for Big Five, Harbor Freight Tools, and Ortho Mattress…count that as a gimme (even though they really are inserts).

No fair counting the regular advertising inserts, clearly not sections or pages of the paper.

Do that, and then let me know how the U-T is 162 pages today.  In other words, prove it to me.  The first person that can get to 162 pages, without smoke and mirrors, lunch is on me.  Not an expensive lunch, but lunch all the same; something reasonable, but certainly not Jack in the Box. Even employees of the U-T can enter.

Email me here.

Best of luck!


Note: My other little pending contest, for picking the winners in the June election, can now be finalized with the Juan Vargas-Mary Salas battle over in the 40th Senate District.  I am determining the results, which will be posted soon.

16 Responses to “Sunday San Diego…Challenge to readers on today’s number of Union-Trib pages”

  1. Says:

    I would love to participate but that would mean I would have to buy the paper so I will sit this one out.

  2. Says:

    Yes, the unfortunate down-side of offering up a challenge to FR readers. They may likely to be online UT readers as well, even if they do live in the San Diego area. Larry, feel free to go to the local market and count the pages in a newsrack paper, without a purchase. Tell ’em FR sent you.

  3. Says:

    This article is typical example of a decline in quality at Flash Report……

    This is nonsense!!!!

    California public educated readers probably like such useless and kinky lite stuff…..but the rest of us……nada!

  4. Says:

    Nonsense, Robert? Prove it. Show me.

    I don’t always write about political issues and breaking news. I often critique the local media. The U-T has grown smaller for a number of reasons, all well documented, but this recent trend seems to be more about looking like it isn’t taking place.

    California public educated readers want to know that truth in journalism is taking place. That not only goes for the content, but also “truth in advertising.” Sorry that the “rest of you” don’t care about that.

  5. Says:

    Barry also focuses on San Diego items. Others may not care for that, but I do along with a lot of others. And Mr. Bosich may not get the significance of the issue Barry brings up, if he is not in San Diego. He can choose to not read “Sunday San Diego” which is so named for a reason. Funny, but I know more than one person that is trying to count to 162 today!

  6. Says:

    Here’s some Facebook discussion from today…

    Reader 1: does TV week count?

    Barry Jantz: I haven’t had a TV Week in my home delivered edition of the UT for years. Have you?

    Reader 1: they started it back up, but you have to pay an extra $2.50 a month

    Barry Jantz: OK, if you can get to 162 pages that way, let me know, and I will call out the UT for claiming that as “pages” when not everyone gets it.

    Reader 2: Once they forgot to send the sunday comics and coupons. I almost cancelled!!

    Barry Jantz: I’m not talking about what they may forget to send. I’m talking about how they claim 84 pages of paper is 162.

    Reader 3: They also say 15 Sections, i could get to 162 pages however half are ads and not news related. There are 12 areas indexed, but not 15 sections.

    Barry Jantz: Note that some of the “sections” they count as TWO, as business and dialog are now combined with other sections. Very creative! But, are you saying you could get to 162 not counting insert ads?

    Reader 3: Nope, my count is the same as yours.

    Reader 3: I wonder if because of the fold or column inches make the difference?

    Reader 1: My final count including Parade, TV Week, Comics, and the Ortho, Big 5, and Harbor Tools ads was 150 pages. One thing I didn’t notice in my classifieds looking rather quickly was car dealerships so I may have been missing a section. TV Week for those who don’t get it was 28 pages

    Barry Jantz: That’s getting closer to 162, but I think we’d all have to agree that for the UT to count TV Week as “pages,” when base subscribers don’t receive it, is pretty sorry. Also, it’s hilarious that although I’m allowing it, the UT would count the “ad sections” as pages or sections! I wish someone from the UT would weigh in.

  7. Says:

    Barry have a very nice evening!!!! I ain’t going to the wood shed….

  8. Says:

    Barry, I got it…and frankly that type of intelligent writing keeps you relevant. Stay the course…we get it.

  9. Says:

    I use to be an avid reader of the UT. However, once I got involved in politics and saw what they didn’t report that ended my UT reading career. Not one ounce of investigative reporting left. If they like you, good stories. If they don’t every article tries to tear you down. I just don’t have time for that type of non-sense of any other news source that does not report the facts as close as possible.

  10. Says:

    Barry, I’d do almost anything for a Jack in the Box lunch! Even if it meant reading the UT. Don’t downplay the Jack in the Box taco! I wish I lived in San Diego still instead of being stationed at Robins AFB, Georgia . . . no Jack in Boxes here. You made me laugh today, so, thanks again Barry. Keep up the good work and be thankful you live in the greatest city in the world.

  11. Says:

    If I was marooned on an island, I’d more than likely jones for Jack in the Box tacos.

    …but still will pass on the contest if it means buying the UT.

  12. Says:

    The Union Tribune is no better or worse than lots of cable and internet sites. If they suggest publishing a 160 page newspaper and you count,say, 90 pages, perhaps, your edition was delivered missing sections not inserted by the poor immigrant who comes to your door at 3:00 A.M. each freakin night for China-style wages….by the way he probably goes to Jack-in-the-Box after leaving your home to prep caloric challenged fare for the masses!!!!

  13. Says:

    Sorry too late to wish you a good evening last nite; my best for one tonite. No, the very first obvious thing — of course — is that I missed getting some sections of the paper. Just like last time, this was easily ruled out. No one has been able to count to the claimed 162 pages, so it could be that every subscriber in San Diego missed getting the same sections!

  14. Says:

    Probably what really really did go down:

    All the papers are stuffed by immigrants in the early hrs. of the morning at internationists’ wages!!!!

    These tired, huddled masses need love too!!!!

  15. Says:

    Your ignorance of San Diego is equalled only by your non-existent sense of humor.

    Home delivery of that newspaper is a coveted assignment, often a 2nd job handled
    for years at a time by hard-working, local American citizens. I’ve known several
    families who fit that profile.

    Is your Caveman act here a “goof” ? No one can be this dumb on the square.

  16. Says:

    AGAIN. Not going to the woodshed….

    Still stand by my statement….Flash Report is in decline due to nonsensical articles in a era of fiscal disaster for California and a alarming rise in RINOS in the California Republican Party..