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Matt Rexroad

Ballot Statements

Many of us are currently preparing ballot statements for legislative and local candidates.

For those candidates running for statewide office the deadline has passed and they are now available for public review here.

Some of the highlights….

Neither Meg Whitman or Attorney General Brown accepted the limits under Prop 34.  The ballot statement from Libertarian Dale Ogden is quite good.

Lt. Governor
Peace and Freedom candidate says "Let the super rich pay their fair share."
Lt. Governor Maldonado and Mayor Gavin Newsom both have statements that hit the key points. 

Secretary of State
Peace and Freedom Candidate Marylou Cabral has a good one. Here is the whole thing, "Strengthen democracy by lowering the voting age to 16, extending the right to vote to immigrants and prisoners,and making Election Day a holiday." Wow.

Libertarian Andy Favor might have my favorite.  "Pro-business, freedom. Frugal."  Short and sweet.

Debra Reiger is the Peace and Freedom candidate for Treasurer.  She goes on like all the other P&F candidates about stuff and the concludes with "More on my website!" but does not tell us what her website is.

Attorney General
Interesting that LA District Attorney Steve Cooley has a ballot statement but SF DA Kamela Harris does not.

Peace and Freedom candidate Sherill Borg has three words "Tax the corporations."  She could have saved $25 if she just would have said "Tax corporations."

Democrat Mary Christian-Heising lists a bunch of stuff including "Former Honorary Mayor of Pacific Beach".  What exactly does that mean?  This is not a good reason to vote for anyone.

Michelle Steel has a very good statement.

Jerome Horton did not submit a statement.