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Mike Spence

Lincoln Club Gives Edge to Barnett in Future Leadership Fight

FR has covered the controversy of the competing claims of leadership of the Republican Party of Los Angeles (RPLAC) of Jane Barnett and Robert Vaughn, including the outcome of the May 26, 2010 court case. The court ruled in Barnett’s favor.

A reporter called me right before the case for a comment and I told the reporter that the outcome of a court case wouldn’t decide the future of the RPLAC, but the following weeks Central Committee elections would. I should point out I have been an elected RPLAC member for almost two decades. Yikes!. And I am a local Lincoln Club Chair.

Here is a quick look at it. I should note that RPLAC could have over 200 members. With people elected from districts that have little GOP registration to some that have a lot. Some District are very small, like the LA portion of the 61t AD. Needless to say in some districts you get whomever runs and that is it.

As I look at the winners, Barnett clearly was the winner. She had help from the LA County Lincoln Club that bought slates in the very competitive areas.

There help had a big impact.

In the 36th District they won 7 of 7, 6 of 6 in the 40th, 5 of 7 in the 41st.  5 of 7 in the 42nd, 7 of 7 in the 43rd, 7 of 7 in the 44th, 7 of 7 in the 53rd, 6 of 7 in the 54th, and 7 of 7 in the 59th.

In other words 57 of their endorsed candidates won in competition for 62 slots. Roberts Vaughn came in 17th of 18th for re-election to the 44th Assembly District. I guess voters don’t remember The Man from U.N.C.L.E. anymore?

Although Vaughn stays on the Central Committee as an ex-offico, he filed for a Congressional seat as well; Barnett clearly has the edge at the future reorganization committee.