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BOE Member George Runner

We shouldn’t ignore the importance of fathers

On Sunday, many families will celebrate Father’s Day. As a Dad, I look forward to this day because it means spending extra time with my kids and grandkids. But in all seriousness, Father’s Day provides a great opportunity for people to recognize the important role men play in their families.

According to a 2008 survey, 95% of Californians agree that fathers are just as important as mothers in influencing their children. Hardworking dads who make an effort to be there for their kids contribute positively to their self-esteem and decision-making abilities. A strong father figure is irreplaceable in a child’s life.

Just this last week, I authored a Father’s Day resolution (SCR 112) commending the important role fathers play in their household and community. Annoyingly, the resolution wasn’t even given a hearing, but was blocked by progressive liberals. It’s funny that the party whose members claim to champion families and disadvantaged kids would choose to ignore a resolution with such a positive message.

Regardless, I’d like to wish all the dads out there a happy Father’s Day.