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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Congratulations to Brian Jones

Congrats to Brian Jones in AD 77!

Take a look at the mail used by Jones to win the AD 77 primary:

Click the links to see four examples of the mail used by the Jones campaign to win the GOP primary to become the hands down favorite to succeed Joel Anderson in the conservative 77th Assembly District…

Jones 1 – Conservative Track Record

Jones 2 – Santee Firefighters

Jones 3 – We Must Control the Border

Jones 4 – Had Enough –  Don’t Believe the Smears

Here’s the Thank You message sent out by Brian and posted to the SD Rostra website

I can’t thank you enough for your financial support, your dedicated volunteerism, your prayers and your vote.  Heather and I are humbled by the trust you have placed in us to represent the 77th Assembly District and grateful for the opportunity to serve you.

I am especially thankful for the love and support of Heather and my children.

It has been a true privilege serving the citizens of Santee over the last eight years.  I thank my Council colleagues for the opportunity to serve with them and for the time and energy they have invested in my life.

With your help again, we will win the election in November.  And when we do I look forward to working hard for you in Sacramento to eliminate the burden of over-regulation, restore fiscal integrity to our state, and protect our families and children.

Please feel free to contact me anytime at, and watch for upcoming events at:

Thank you and God bless you,

Brian Jones


Have a great week!