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Election Preview: Orange County

Ok, now for the real analysis on Orange County…(other than the treasurer’s race for which I did a public poll, all predictions are based on my best guess)

-Appointed Sheriff Hutchens will either win re-election or be the top vote-getter

-District Attorney Tony Rackauckas is re-elected (he has no opponent)

-Clerk-Recorder Tom Daley is re-elected

-Public Administrator John Williams is re-elected or will be the top vote-getter

-Auditor David Sundstrom wins re-election

-Assessor Webster Guillory will fend off a challenge from former BOE member Claude Parrish

-Shari Freidenrich will be in a run-off with Keith Rodenhuis will face each other in a run-off for Treasurer

-5th Dist. Supervisor Pat Bates wins re-election (no opponent)

-2nd Dist. Supervisor John Moorlach wins re-election (no opponent)

-Fullerton Councilman Shawn Nelson will win the Special and Primary Elections for 4th Dist. Supervisor and probably face Harry Sidhu in a run-off on November (but Nelson will be seated immediately to fill the unexpired term of now Assemblyman Chris Norby)

There are some other less interesting offices like County Board of Education that should be without incident – incumbents re-elected.

In the 70th Assembly District Irvine Councilman Steven Choi will win the Republican Primary over Amante, Wagner and Ferguson.  In the 68th Costa Mesa Councilman Allan Mansoor will win the GOP nod.  Van Tran will cruise to win the nomination and face Sanchez in the 47th CD.

What am I missing?

2 Responses to “Election Preview: Orange County”

  1. Says:

    I think you are right on most points although I think Claude has a shot and I think you are wrong in the 70th. My prediction is Wagner 32%, Amante 29%, Choi 28%, Ferguson 11%.

    Now Adam, what are your predictions on Central Committee? There must have been some polling done, right? :0)

  2. Says:

    Guess I only got Don’s percentage right but that is the only one that matter to me anyway. Don Wagner will be my new Assemblyman…wooohooo.