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Jon Fleischman

Joel Anderson: A Heartfelt Testimonial

As an elected officer of the California Republican Party, my least favorite part of the job (by far) is that under the party’s rules I am obliged to “sit out” contested Republican primaries for partisan office.  That having been said, with the election taking place tomorrow, I would not be able to live with myself if I did not take at least a few minutes to talk about a candidate running for State Senate.  Let me preface my brief comments by making it clear that this is not a formal endorsement – consider it more of an “informational item” – as it were.

Joel Anderson, who is currently serving in the State Assembly, is seeking the GOP nomination for the State Senate tomorrow – in the 36th District, where Dennis Hollingsworth is retiring due to term limits.

It is has been my good fortune to know Joel Anderson for over twenty years – and to call him a friend.  When I think about Joel in terms of his attributes, the thoughts that come to mind are integrity, conservatism, courage, activism, loyalty and family.

  • First and foremost, despite what political opponents of Joel would have you think, Joel Anderson is someone who is deeply committed to doing the right thing – and that is whether someone is watching, or not!  I have always found Joel to be possessive a great sense of right and right – a well defined moral compass. 
  • Joel and I cut our political teeth in the Reagan era, and I think it would be fair to say that our commitment to fighting for freedom and individual liberty has literally defined our lives, and our careers.  Joel is an ideological leader in the legislature, and consistently is the benchmark for where conservatives should be voting on issues. 
  • Joel is not afraid to stand up and be counted, either.  There are plenty of times when being a conservative is not helpful politically – especially in a town like Sacramento that tries to “break” conservatives the way that wranglers try to break a bull.  Nevertheless, Joel remains strong, and outspoken in his core values. 
  • Joel is a “doer” – as well.  Plenty of people out there talk the talk, but Joel literally walks the walk.  He backs conservatives for elected office at the federal, state and local level.  He mobilizes his considerable resources to promote conservative ballot measures and causes.  He hires and trains up and coming conservatives in both his government office and for campaign activities.  He possesses a strong work-ethic, and thus he never slows down (ask anyone who knows him!).
  • There is no one you would rather have in your corner than Joel.  Whether it is standing toe-to-toe in fighting liberals or his comfort in the face of personal tragedy – Joel possesses deep compassion for his friends, and those of us lucky enough to be his are deeply appreciative. 
  • Anyone who knows Joel knows that his wife and children are the center of his life.  If you don’t believe it, just talk with him about his family – he won’t stop – he’s that in love with the whole bunch.

I will close this “testimonial” about Joel to say that I am very proud of his success in politics, and in life.  Good luck tomorrow, buddy.  I can’t formally endorse you.  And since I am not your neighbor, I cannot vote for you.  But at least our readers in your district will know exactly what I think about you — and they can take that into account as they go to the polls.

2 Responses to “Joel Anderson: A Heartfelt Testimonial”

  1. Says:

    Funny post Jon. Joel is a great guy. I would love to know Mr. Hudson’s opinion about the line between testimonial and endorsement.

  2. Says:

    Posted at SD Rostra with my additional comments…