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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Chukchansi Tribe Funds Last Minute IE Against Patterson in CD 19

With the latest Survey USA poll showing Jim Patterson with a 4 point lead over Jeff Denham, the Chukchansi Tribe in Madera County is funding a six figure IE against Mr. Patterson – a negative barrage of mail, radio and TV designed as one final assault on Mr. Patterson’s record.

The Fresno Bee carries a story on this today – make no mistake about it – there are several FEC complaints pending, and a huge mess to sort out with regard to the tribe’s coordinated "fundraising" event feating $150,000 in ads funded by Denham’s State account and featuring Denham himself.

If I were the Tribe I’d start the shredders and wipe the email servers.  They’ve already fired 12 people connected with the "fundraiser" and they’ll get rid of anyone with a story to tell about this "independent" expenditure as well.  And I have news for them – we aren’t letting this go.

In these parts, we’ve not seen a campaign quite this filthy – ever.  Even if Denham prevails – DO NOT expect him to be embraced by Fresno County Republicans.  With about 5 contributors in the County, Denham’s base of support here is nil anyway.  He’s managed to piss of just about everyone in this town and nobody is in the mood to deal with his potential status as an elected official representing this area.  Patterson has done all he can with the resources he has.  

Now its time for the voters to decide if they are going to reward shady campaign finance deals and a tribe trying to buy the election for a State Senator, or vote for the two term Mayor of Fresno.  It’s too close to call.

One Response to “Chukchansi Tribe Funds Last Minute IE Against Patterson in CD 19”

  1. Says:

    Other you, Jim Patterson and two guys named Tal….I am sure the new Congressman will have support in Fresno