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Jon Fleischman

Updated — Today’s Commentary: GOP Candidate “Katcho” in AD 33 Refuses To Sign “No New Taxes Pledge” — Putting Him Well Out Of The Republican Main Stream

UPDATE:  GOP candidate Matt Kokkonen has now signed the ATR pledge and faxed it in.  His campaign consultant assures me that when Kokkonen ran for Asembly a few years back he signed the pledge at that time as well.

We are hopeful that "Katcho" Achadjian will also sign and fax in the pledge as well.  This will allow Republicans to unifty againt the Democrats this fall on the tax issue.

A few weeks ago, FlashReport contributor Matt Rexroad brought to our attention an editorial in the San Luis Obispo Tribune in which that paper’s editorial board endorses Supervisor K.H. "Katcho" Achadjian for State Assembly in the open 33rd District along California’s Central Coast, where Republican Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee is retiring due to term limits (actually, Blakeslee is now running for the State Senate seat vacated by Abel Maldonado).  Rexroad pointed out the naiveté of the writers of that editorial for pointing out that one of the reasons that they are supporting Katcho is because he has refused to sign the Americans for Tax Reform Tax Limitation Pledge.  In their editorial, the Tribune says:

But he parts ways with many of his Republican colleagues on another hot-button issue — the no-new-tax pledge. While he does not support tax increases, Achadjian said he will not sign such a pledge.

“I’d rather not make promises when I don’t know what the future will be, 100 percent,” he said.

We agree completely; perhaps California would not be in the awful shape it’s in today if more politicians had that realistic point of view.

**There is more – click the link**

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4 Responses to “Updated — Today’s Commentary: GOP Candidate “Katcho” in AD 33 Refuses To Sign “No New Taxes Pledge” — Putting Him Well Out Of The Republican Main Stream”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    I signed the ATR Tax Pledge. I like the pledge but it is not enough. Taxes need to be drastically reduced to re-ignite our economy.

    I recommend Tom Del Becarro’s book entitled ” The New Conservative Paradigm” that is a great work on this subject. You can order it thru his website at

    I don’t want to “balance” our over- bloated and super-sized budget- I want to slah it to 2005 level and keep it capped there for seven years. That is only one point of my ” California Investment and Prosperity Act” that I will work with the next Governor to become a reality. We need to restore our Prosperity and take our State Government back that is being held hostage by a short bus load of Tax and Spend Democrats.

    Ken Hunter
    Republican Candidate for Assembly 59th District

  2. Says:

    An added need: Broaden the tax base to include the many who pay little or no income tax….

    It is called SPREAD THE RESPONSIBILITY!!!!! Now that is hope and change you can count on…

  3. Says:

    Does ATR have a list of who singed the pledge in the past?

  4. Says:

    that list would include a few of the “Republican leaders” who allowed them selves to be pistol whipped into supporting tax increases, and then got the “Profiles in Courage” award for it.