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Jon Fleischman

Guest Column: Chason Bullock – Students For Meg Get Organized For Final Push

Back in March I featured a guest column from Chason Bullock, the head of Students for Meg Whitman.  I got a lot of positive feedback, and told Chason that as we got closer to the primary I would love to get an update on how things are going…  Below is a new column from Chason for your perusal…

Students For Meg Get Organized For Final Push
By Chasen Bullock, Statewide Youth Coordinator of Students for Meg and a senior at California State University, San Marcos

The Students for Meg Coalition now has 40 chapters on California college campuses and students up and down the state are doing their part to create A New California. We are determined to move our state in a new direction and eager to put in the time and energy to help elect Meg.
Now, more than ever, college students are fed up with Sacramento politicians. That’s why they’ll reject Steve Poizner’s liberal record and support Meg.
Students have been making calls to spread Meg’s vision and get out the vote. We’ve held 20 phone banks so far and made more than 10,000 calls. Next week, we have phone banks organized in Orange County and San Diego.
A few days before the primary election, students will participate in a statewide phone bank competition. Students in every region in the state will have three hours to make as many calls as possible. Our goal is to tell voters why Meg has the kind of leadership experience that California badly needs.
Students share Meg’s focus on creating jobs, cutting spending and fixing education.
As a senior, I know first-hand that students who are about to graduate from college are concerned about job opportunities. Meg is committed to helping employers create two million new jobs by the beginning of 2015.
And Meg wants California’s public schools to be great again. As governor, she will invest $1 billion of the savings from her welfare and other budgetary reforms into the University of California and California State University systems.
Meg is inspiring thousands of students to get politically active. We like to think what Obama did to the student base in 2008, Meg is doing within the College Republican circles in California.
In 2008, the majority of California students voted Democrat. This disappointing reality is motivating Students for Meg more because we’re confident we can change that this year.
As summer approaches, we are reaching out to high school students and encouraging them to get involved. We currently have 30 student interns in our offices in San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles and Cupertino. If you or anyone you know is interested in a summer internship, please contact
Like Meg often says on the campaign trail, it’s going to take all of us to rebuild California. I’m encouraged more and more students are joining the fight to help elect Meg! Join us today – email:

One Response to “Guest Column: Chason Bullock – Students For Meg Get Organized For Final Push”

  1. Says:

    Great update Chason. Now I see who I am competing with for volunteers.