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Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail May 24

I want to remind the readers that I live in a HEAVILY DEMOCRAT neighborhood… I generally don’t get a ton of Republican mail. JAY SCHENIRER FOR CITY COUNCIL “Timeout” this is the second in a series of sports related pieces. The first piece confused me, but I took the time to read this one and I agree with the guy that we shouldn’t donate land to the Kings team. PATRICK KENNEDY FOR CITY COUNCIL “Creating Jobs” Kennedy is running against Schenirer (above) – and I leaned towards Schenirer because of his early grassroots campaign but I’ve got to write that Kennedy’s mail is better, just more clear. COOPER FOR SHERIFF “Keeping deputies on the street” very clear (Today’s winner). SLATE MAILER “Council of Concerned Women Voters” featuring Whitman and Nakanishi.