Rarely have I been so delighted to see an era pass as the finality of the Biden Administration. It was borne from an international pandemic and a perverse hatred for the incumbent president. An ill-equipped person was drafted as a candidate to assure victory, if he could be called a “candidate.” He barely campaigned as his handlers thought he was better hidden from the public to disguise his severe weaknesses. For his V-P, he drafted a highly unpopular and incapable person who had two principal attributes – being female and black. From these facts how could anything but disastrous results have occurred? It was pre-ordained.
Biden started his destruction quickly. He enacted 17 executive orders his first day and 42 more in the first one hundred days — the most by a president since Harry Truman. Largely they were to overturn anything Trump had done because everything he did was perceived as evil by nature. Except for the tariffs. Biden and his economic team badmouthed the tariffs but could not quit the estimated $80 billion in revenue they brought in every year. After all, Biden had big — very big — spending plans.
They began their spendathon by March 2021 even though the economy had recovered from the COVID hit the preceding year so more stimulus was not necessary. Why let an excuse to expand the federal government go to waste? They then passed another bill and another with the final one ridiculously named the” Inflation Reduction Act.”
While Biden was telling everyone Milton Friedman was no longer in charge, Friedman came back to life and proved that the Feds cannot print money over and over and not have inflation. It came roaring back from its dormant state of forty years prior, thus ravaging the economy. Biden rolled out his inept economic team to lie about inflation being transitory and that inflation was all about supply lines. They lived by the rule that if you repeat a lie, often enough people will believe it. Fortunately, try as they might to dumb down the American people they failed. Americans still have a modicum of common sense. They knew who was at fault for the explosive prices of their grocery cart items.
The other domestic abject failure was the immediate opening of the southern border. They dismantled the progress to stop illegal aliens coming into our country. They lied repeatedly that the border was secure. The disgusting repeated lies from Alejandro Mayorkas with his completely arrogant behavior repeatedly lied to us peasants. We clamored for him to at least acknowledge that we have a border to protect. If someone could explain to us why they want to destroy the idea that we have a country with borders to enforce, we would be interested to hear.
More lies continue to follow of how if Trump enforces immigration laws, this industry or that industry will crater. They don’t even give pretense to answering why these illegal aliens are even working in the United States. They overwhelmed the immigration system and then complained about the system being overwhelmed. It is the ultimate Catch-22.
They fed into every far-left idea and demanded the entire federal government immerse itself in the destructive idea of DEI. As Douglas Murray stated recently, “We live in an era where things that are self-evidently true are denied by maniacs who are then flattered by cowards.” That sums up the Biden gang.
As bad as all these actions are, nothing compares to the embarrassment they brought to our country in international matters. Of course, the genesis was the downfall of Afghanistan. What is worse are the lies. Trump forced us to withdraw. Amazingly, that is the only thing other than continuing the tariffs that they thought they believed were valid Trump actions. Think about it, they had to let all the illegals into our country, but they had to get out of another country. These people think we are all country bumpkins.
The worst Secretary of State in memory, Antony Blinken, tells us it was good to have done that catastrophic Afghanistan withdrawal because otherwise our adversaries would have taken advantage of us. Didn’t they do that anyway?
On the subject of our current Secretary of State, let’s remember how he got his job. He collected a group of 51 former foreign policy operatives (who should be banned from ever working for the U.S. government again) to present a letter to the world that said that the information from Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. A complete and total fabrication (and they knew it) that may have saved Biden’s election. Biden rewarded him with one of the three most important cabinet positions. Think about that whenever someone questions Trump’s appointments.
It seems every move Biden made on the world stage was intentionally meant to embarrass us. The outright insanity of bringing back the Obama policy of cozying up to Iran. When something goes right like Israel crushing Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran’s henchmen, Biden shuffles out to a microphone and takes credit as if we don’t know he and his team of infants did everything to deter them from the success. It is surprising Joe did not take credit for the pagers blowing up. You know — it had to be his idea.
How about letting a Chinese spy ballon float across the country before shooting it down? If you tried you could not make this stuff up.
I try to remember something this clown show did correctly. I vaguely remember something a couple of years ago but cannot specifically recall the incident. He recently suggested that Congress should not be allowed to trade individual stocks. Hallelujah, he finally got religion on this issue but will do nothing to make that happen. I did not think anyone in my lifetime could make Jimmy Carter look like a successful president.
That is what Joe Biden has done. Good riddance. Please shuffle off to the beach and leave us forever.