We Have Met the Enemy…Part II…There Is A Way Back
Before we can assess a way back from where Republicans are in this state, we have to assess our assets, and how best to utilize them. The best asset available to Republicans in this state are elected Republicans. The question is: Do these elected Republicans care about bringing our party back?
They should. If the last 10 years have been any lesson to Republicans in this state, it is that most elected Republicans have cared about themselves, and not about us. The cause of freedom is the cause of the people, and conservative Republican values promote freedom, that is, smaller government, less taxes, stronger families, private property rights, and individual freedom. When the Republican leadership (folks like Arnold Schwarzenegger) “negotiate” with the Democrats in this state to raise our taxes or increase regulations on our businesses or our families or on our communities, they negotiate our freedom away.
I have heard good excuses as to why taxes and regulations must be increased. My favorite is “climate change.” It is the best one for the Democrats. No proof that climate change is occurring, or that it is man-made, or that any tax… Read More