Lake Shasta, 2014, Photo by DWR
As chairwoman of the California Water Resources Control Board, Felicia Marcus oversees a massive state bureaucracy with a $1 billion annual budget.
In a prescient op ed today in the Modesto Bee, Assemblyman Adam Gray (D-Merced) had some harsh words for Marcus and her radical environmental cohorts. “Despite her promises to the contrary, she and her board have used their immense authority to jeopardize – not protect – the economy and drinking water supplies of the Northern San Joaquin Valley.”
As I have been warning for a long time, Gray also says, “The State Water Board claims it needs the water to help restore fish populations, but an earlier version of their own report suggested their plan would result in little more than an additional 1,000 fish per year.”
Fortunately, California Congressman Tom McClintock, and fellow CA Representatives Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, Doug LaMalfa, Ken Calvert, David Valadeo, Jeff Denham, Duncan Hunter, Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher, Ed Royce, Darrell Issa, Steve Knight and Jim Costa, sent the letter below to Felicia Marcus warning her that they will intervene should the Board continue its priority of fish over humans in violation of federal operations, and water quality standards, among other issues.
“Irrigation districts in Merced, Turlock and Modesto have all proposed responsible alternatives that call for a combination of increased water flows, habitat restoration and predation controls,” Gray said. “Unsurprisingly, the State Water Board has rejected those proposals out of hand while continuing to preach a preference for voluntary settlements.”
“The truth is, the board will never be happy until it gets our water – no matter the consequence to our economy or our drinking water supplies,” Gray added.
Assemblyman Adam Gray, Rep. Tom McClintock, and all of the members signed on to the letter are showing real leadership over a rogue state agency, as it attempts to move forward Gov. Jerry Brown’s ridiculous and evil water restrictions on the people of this state. Brown’s hatred of people who have “little green lawns” is really getting annoying.
McClintock’s letter: