[Publisher’s Note: As part of an ongoing effort to bring original, thoughtful commentary to you here at the FlashReport, we are pleased to present this column from Assembly GOP Leader Kristin Olsen.]
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On Monday, Governor Jerry Brown was sworn in for an unprecedented 4th term as Governor of California, and then delivered his 2015 State of the State address.
As always, the Governor’s speech was a mixed-bag.
I was pleased to hear him discuss the importance of paying down fast-growing retiree health care costs and implementing the State’s new Rainy Day Fund. These policies have long been championed by Republicans because they will help us get our fiscal house in order for the long-term.
However, I was disappointed to see that as he begins his fifth year, the Governor still has not presented a comprehensive plan to spur economic growth in California or to ensure that our schools are preparing students for a 21st century economy.
Our state’s top priority should be making it easier for Californians to find good jobs or start a business of their own, and for parents to access high-performing schools that will set their kids up for success in school, in the workplace, and in life. But instead, Governor Brown keeps chasing the non-sensical bullet train as his priority, which ironically he is going to break ground on today.
In the weeks and months ahead, Assembly Republicans will offer conservative solutions that will give Californians more opportunities to find great jobs and send their kids to great schools.
This Session, we have already introduced measures to 1) help parents and college students by freezing tuition at our state universities while the education tax is in effect, 2) reduce costs on small businesses from predatory lawsuits so they can thrive and hire more people, 3) help families by stopping state government from placing higher costs on gas and by providing working parents with more scheduling flexibility in the workplace, and 4) encourage civic participation by requiring all bills to be available for public review at least three days before they are voted on.
We are currently at work on measures that will provide teachers and schools districts the support they need to give each and every one of our kids a high-quality education because we believe every student deserves access to a great school, regardless of zip code or means.
Assembly Republicans stand ready to partner with Governor Brown on policies that will put California on a responsible financial path that respects hard-working taxpayers. We will continue to promote actions that encourage creativity, innovation, freedom, and entrepreneurship – values that first made California great and that result in economic growth and new jobs.
Assembly Republican Leader Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, is recognized as a solution-focused reformer. She represents the 12th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes portions of Stanislaus and San Joaquin counties. Follow her on Twitter: @KristinOlsenCA