Breitbart.com's Dana Loesch presents Jon Fleischman with the Breitbart Award as AFP's Tim Phillips Looks On
I am very pleased to share the wonderful news that last weekend, at the Americans For Prosperty Right Online annual convention held in Las Vegas, FlashReport’s own publisher Jon Feischman was awarded the blogger of the year award which has been renamed, starting this year, the Andrew Breitbart Award for Excellence in Activism and Online Reporting. The award was presented to Jon by renowned activist Dana Loesch of Breitbart.com and Tim Phillips, the President of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation, in front the better part of a thousand online conservative activists from all around the country.
Tim Phillips, President of Americans for Prosperity Foundation said, “For years, Jon Fleischman has demonstrated the instincts, technical savvy, and guiding principles that make a truly great newsmaker online. The Flash Report has become a must-read resource for Californians, and we were proud to honor Jon for his great work at Right Online.”
Peter Foy, who is State Chairman of Americans for Prosperity for California said, “It is wonderful that Jon Fleischman has received this wonderful recognition from his peers in the online activist community. I personally have seen the passion and drive that Jon has for exposing waste, fraud and abuse in California state government, and for relentlessly calling out liberals who seek to erode the liberty and freedom that is so intrinsic to the American dream.”

"Keep it up — and keep fighting, keep fighting, keep fighting," said Fleischman in his acceptance remarks to all of the Right Online attendees.
In accepting the award, Jon demonstrated humility, saying that there were so many other people in the room that were more deserving of the award than he. But of course Jon is deserving of the high honor and recognition for his dogmatic defense of liberty right here in the front lines here in California, where our freedoms are under assault from virtually every direction.
Jon is indefatigable in his daily assault on the left, whether it is on the FlashReport website, or his twitter feed (@flashreport) which has been named by the Washington Post as a top source for California political news.
Demonstrating his resolve, in his speech accepting the Breitbart Award, Jon said to the crowd, which was met with a rousing round of applause, “It’s really, really important what we do… It really, really matters — and we’re winning the war, and we need to keep it up — and keep fighting, keep fighting, keep fighting!”
Dr. Melissa Clothier, who is acknowledged as one of the top conservative bloggers and tweeters in the country, had this to say about Jon: “When you look across America, at individuals who are making a key difference online taking on the left at the state level, Jon Fleischman is at the top of the list. I’m very excited that Jon received the Andrew Breitbart Award because, like Andrew, Jon has that fighting spirit to take it to those people who would seek to tear down what makes our country exceptional.”
I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Congratulations to Jon, and to the whole FlashReport team. As you may know, Jon was close with Andrew Breitbart, so I am sure receiving an award named after the recently fallen freedom fighter was particularly meaningful.
Here’s to many more great years ahead, and as my friend Congressman Dana Rohrabacher would say, “Fighting for freedom and having fun!”
Click here and you can watch a video clip of the presentation of the Andrew Breitbart Award to Jon Fleischman, and his acceptance remarks….
Shawn Steel was recently re-elected to serve a second term representing California on the Republican National Committee. He is a former Chairman of the California Republican Party.