As we close in on the early June primary, there are more “hot” political races taking place around California than in any single election cycle in my memory. Even though we are operating under new rules that have eliminated partisan primaries and replaced them with a “top-two” runoff system, there are still a healthy number of places where multiple Republican candidates are battling it out to see who will make it into the top two. In some of those races, two Republicans might go onto November. But there is one race where two Republicans are facing off, where we know that only one of them will go on to November, that has the most start contrast between two GOP candidates of any contest in the state. In this race, you have a mature, principled conservative running against one of the most unprincipled, ideologically devoid registered Republicans whom I have ever come across.
This battleground is the new 24th Congressional District on California’s Central Coast [MAP]. The incumbent in this district that takes in San Lois Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties (and a piece of upper Ventura County) is Democrat Congresswoman Lois Capps. As a result of redistricting, Capps finds herself running for re-election in a district that is much more competitive than the one in which she has been serving. The two Republicans running are actor Chris Mitchum and former Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado. The GOP victor will face off against Capps, and has a decent shot at going to Congress. It’s probably an uphill battle to take out an incumbent Democrat on a Presidential election year in California — but not one political prognosticator of note has scored this seat as “safe” for Democrats.
Mitchum, the son of legendary actor Robert Mitchum, is a man of strong principle and an accomplished actor in his own right (he played across from John Wayne and got blacklisted in liberal Hollywood for it!). He understands and respects that our founding fathers risked their lives, the lives of their families and their property to found this nation. He understands that the birthright of every American is liberty and freedom. His core beliefs are sound, and I have no doubt, with the United States Constitution as his guide, that he would be a rock-solid member of Congress. You can see his positions on a myriad of issues here. Here is what Congressman and conservative icon Tom McClintock had to say in endorsing Mitchum, “”Chris Mitchum is the only candidate in this race who understands that our prosperity depends on lower taxes, less wasteful government spending, fewer regulations and more energy production. He is devoted to American principles of individual freedom, constitutionally limited government and personal responsibility. The choice here is critically important and quite simple: Tweedle-dee, Tweedle-dum or Chris Mitchum.”

Maldonado violated this pledge to his constituents, voting for the largest tax increase in state history.
The principled Mr. Mitchum could not possibly present a more stark contrast from the smarmy, ex-politician Abel Maldonado. Maldonado ran first for the State Assembly and then for the State Senate wrapped in the American flag. He proudly boasted of being a conservative The problem is that candidate Maldonado bears very little resemblance to the elected politician. In his campaigns for both the Assembly and the Senate he promised the voters he would represent that he would vote against any tax increase and oppose any efforts to raise taxes by signing the Americans for Tax Reform “No New Taxes” pledge. Yet, as most readers of this column already know, Maldonado provided the deciding vote in 2009 for the single largest tax increase in our state’s history, jacking up sales, income and car taxes, as well as reducing the child tax credit for two years. If that wasn’t enough, he also voted to place before voters a two year extension of those same higher taxes. But wait, it gets even worse. Maldonado literally “horse traded” his vote for the higher taxes in return for the legislature placing the top-two primary system (which became Prop. 14) on the ballot. As we all know, Governor Schwarzenegger and Abel Maldonado championed the passage of Prop. 14 in order to try and increase the number of moderates in partisan office. For his willingness to put his personal ambition ahead of a mere promise he made to his constituents, Maldonado was rewarded by Schwarzenegger with an appointment to be Lt. Governor, as a vacancy had been created when the incumbent, John Garamendi, had been elected to Congress. Maldonado was handily defeated in the following statewide general election.
I could literally fill up several lengthy columns with all of the bad legislation supported by Maldonado, ranging from allowing illegal aliens to get in-state tuition at our state’s public universities, to his vote to create “Harvey Milk Day” (which he voted against, before he voted for it). He has praised AB 32, the global warming alarmist scheme that represents one of the state’s largest de facto tax increase and a massive wealth redistribution scheme. I could go on — I especially remember his support for the banning of mylar balloons because he felt that one of them could get sucked into the engine of his private plane. Seriously. More disturbing than any of his individual votes, however, was the reputation that Maldonado had in the Capitol. It was well known that he was willing to sell out on even the most innocuous liberal bills. He relished being the “deal maker” and undercutting GOP leadership. Republicans have a big enough challenge in this state without being weighted down with self-absorbed politician like Maldonado.
Clearly there are many reasons why Republican voters should choose Mitchum over Maldonado, much of them articulated above. I have endorsed Mitchum and am urging you to join with me in helping Chris to defeat Abel Maldonado in a few weeks and go on to take down Lois Capps in November. If Republican voters in the 24th Congressional District are just given a reminder of the betrayal of Maldonado, you can be certain of the results of the June election. Today I want to issue a challenge to FlashReport readers. Because the tax increases that he put int place affected all of us, no matter what part of the state we are in, it seems to me like we all owe Maldonado a little “political payback” — which is why I am asking you to take our your credit card and make a donation to the campaign of Chris Mitchum. Our goal here at the FlashReport is to try and raise Mitchum $5,000 from our readers. 100% of these funds will go directly into voter contact to Republicans in the district.
Please take out your credit card right now, click on this link, and make a contribution. $500, $250, $100, $50 or even $10. Whatever you are comfortable donating. It is said that all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Chris Mitchum is a good man, and he is doing something. He is working hard to see that a principled conservative represents that 24th CD. Please help him, and let’s put this district in play. I cannot see any way that someone like Maldonado can make this district competitive. With your help, Chris Mitchum will do just that.
Thanks for your consideration!
May 18th, 2012 at 10:25 am
There you go again, Jon, off the rails to the far right. As I recall, Mr. Mitchum lost to Hannah-Beth Jackson in that district area. And Mr. Maldonado won, several times, in the same general area. So it seems to me that once again the far right wing candidate gets your nod over the Republican who has a good chance to actually win the district because you view the candidate as a – gasp – moderate. And you wonder why the Republican Party is losing across the board? Look in the mirror, Jon.
PS: Jon, the largest California state tax increase in history was, I guess according to your lights, proposed and signed into law by that dirty dog of a moderate – Governor Ronald Reagan.
May 18th, 2012 at 1:10 pm
There have been approximately 9 occasions on which Abel Maldonado and Chris Mitchum were to appear in a candidates’ forum for discussion and debate. Abel has ducked out on all of them, sending either a representative or using a lame excuse. For example, at the San Luis Obispo Republican Womens’ Club meeting in San Luis Obispo on 16 May 2012 he backed out less than an hour beforehand because an officer of the club had supposedly been making disparaging calls about him. He was completely wrong on the facts, and the tone of his excuse email indicated that he was really taking umbrage because this extremely decent, hard-working lady had dared to support Chris Mitchum.
One of the main responsibiilities of a congressman is to be an advocate for his constituents, much like a lawyer. And just as with a lawyer, it is a cardinal sin not to be available for cour “clients”. Abel has repeatedly gone AWOL on the consitutents in this district, and that alone renders him unacceptable. After all, if he shows us the cold shoulder now, just imagine how he will behave if he gets elected.
Chris Mitchum, on the other hand, has been tirelessly traveling the district, taking every opportunity to speak with the voters. Chris has also stated his solid conservative positions clearly and convincingly, something that cannot be said for Abel whose appearance has been mostliy limited to serving up pablum in his TV and radio ads: “For Main Street, not Wall Street” – OH GIVE ME A BREAK!!
I am proud to support Chris Mitchum, as are many other active members of the Republican Party and independent conservative who have not been active in politics before.