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Mark Standriff

New Chapter, New Campaign, New Life

It’s true.

I am no longer the Communications Director for the California Republican Party, having stepped down earlier this month to start playing in the Political Consultant’s sandbox. It’s a career that is only slightly more stable than my two previous jobs, radio show host and acting.

The first call I received after the announcement was released was from Jon Fleischman, who immediately offered some prime real estate as an official FlashReport blogger. I said “Yes” before he finished the word “blogg—”.

I look forward to writing about all kinds of political news in this space (Lord knows in California alone, there’s plenty to write about) and I’m especially looking forward to offering my perspective on Jerry’s shiny pony tax hike plan as it moves toward November like the political equivalent of the Bataan Death March.

And I’ve been overwhelmed by the kind words and encouragement that friends and peers have sent, and humbled at compliments from the press corps. I’m sure you’re all deranged, or that you owe me dinner.

Meanwhile, I need to keep my CFO happy. So…time to make the donuts.

The question invariably asked is what I am going to be doing post-CAGOP, and so I thought I would share with you some exciting news. I’ve joined a great team of people helping to elect Elizabeth Emken to the U.S. Senate.

Elizabeth is a former cost-cutting expert for IBM who has spent the past 15 years as a nationally-recognized advocate for developmentally disabled children. I like her because she’s a fighter as well as a problem-solver who’s been successful with for-profits as well as non-profits. You’ll be hearing much more from her in the weeks and months to come, but if you can’t wait, check out her official website at

She’s also social media savvy, in stark contrast with her opponent, Dianne Feinstein, who last updated her Facebook status back in October of 2010. She also has a Twitter account and has never tweeted!

I’ve heard from reputable sources that Feinstein was meeting with officials from an online university who could not get her to grasp the concept. Apparently, the Senior Senator from California walked away convinced that it meant buying books online. Our GOP U.S. Senate candidate gets it and you can like her on Facebook and follow her @ElizabethEmken and @Emken2012.

On this endeavor, in addition to helping out a great candidate, I get to work with a great group of colleagues — real pros with world-class credentials. Tim Clark, Jeff Corless, Joanne Davis, Becki Donatelli, Jesse Huff, Kevin Roy. It’s a formidable team with a winning strategy.

So, on we all must go. New chapter, new campaign, new life. And until we have that dinner you owe me, let’s keep hooking up right here.

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One Response to “New Chapter, New Campaign, New Life”

  1. Miryam Barajas Says:

    We miss you, Mark! I really enjoyed working together and learning all about media tactics! You have a cheerleader here!