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Scott Carpenter

Rick Perry Adds To Presidential Speculation During OC Visit

As has been noted by previous Flashreport coverage, Rick Perry energized the core of the OC conservative activists.  However, as a follow up it is important to note the ensuing enthusiasm that has emerged in response to Governor Perry’s visit.  In an effort to not gush about the response, I can only report the response Perry received at his stop in Orange County.

It’s often been said that Orange County is the GOP ATM machine for candidates all over the country. Whether a candidate or potential candidate is running for national office, statewide office or in their local congressional district the Orange curtain is a targeted region to impress the local political class.  A stop in Orange County has proven to make or break a politician’s higher aspirations.  The OC was the site where Ronald Reagan launched his re-election campaign in 1984, en route to the biggest presidential election landslide in the history of the United States.  Others have not fared as well, such as former Governor of Florida Charlie Crist, who was famously booed during his speech at the OC GOP Flag Day dinner in 2008 for his praise of Arnold Schwarzenegger.  Many have speculated that Crist’s gaff ended any hope of being selected as John McCain’s running mate, and in hindsight may have been the beginning of the end of his political career.

However, Orange County remains a must visit location for many politicians, especially Republicans.  In that theme,the  Texas Governor made a trip out west earlier to mingle with donors and party leaders at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach.  While Perry has not officially announced his candidacy, rumors are being leaked and it is well assumed that he is testing the waters.  Perry’s visit to the Pacific Club, while not a public event, surely served his prospective candidacy well.

As has been well documented, Perry certainly impressed the crowd.  What was more impressive though was he brought a select crowd of conservative leaders to their feet on separate occasions.  It is uncommon that OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh welcomes a crowd, followed by OC GOP Chairman Emeritus Tom Fuentes offering an touching invocation then exiting the stage to make way for FlashReport publisher Jon Fleischman to introduce the featured speaker.  Once that series of events took place the packed room of GOP enthusiast were ready to be inspired, and once Governor Perry took the mic, inspired the room was.

Perry spoke in a conversational tone and was unafraid to address any issue.  The room was packed with an imposing cast of influential Orange County conservative leaders that included Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, former Assemblyman Chuck DeVore, former CA GOP Chairman Shawn Steele and a litany of 0ther leaders.  Many activists have been looking for “the” candidate since the day Obama took the keys to the White House, Perry may be that candidate, albeit reluctantly.

Given the coverage that Perry’s visit has already received I felt it would be proper to let the issue rest.  However, I received so many facebook, email, text and twitter messages from friends after the event that I should share the enthusiasm for Governor Perry that I’ve seen.  For the record I haven’t endorsed any candidate, but from the response I’ve seen, I have certainly seen a multitude of activist who see Perry as the answer to their 2012 prayers, and I find myself having a hard time disagreeing.

2 Responses to “Rick Perry Adds To Presidential Speculation During OC Visit”

  1. Robert Bosich Says:

    Save your powder for local, state and congreeional candidates instead of flavor of the day carpetbaggers…

    Foolishly diluting your funds opens doors for Rinos, Dinos and opportunists to play the usual ho hum while unions , enviro fanatics and the welfare enablers build war chests to make Republicans pinata confetti!

  2. Roy_Bleckert Says:

    Be careful with the hero worship of Gov. Goods Hair

    You may get what you wish for ?

    You may get Obama in a Rep Suit ?

    Is Texas following the path of Ca./FEDerales Government Control & Power ?

    “Case in point: Rep. David Simpson, a freshman Republican of Longview, says he got “called into the principal’s office” to discuss his string of tirades against Perry’s pet job-luring funds, which Simpson calls unseemly corporate welfare. During the meeting with the governor, Simpson said, Perry “said, in a sense, ‘We gotta keep taking pork back to the district.’” Simpson never backed down, but the governor got millions for both the Texas Enterprise Fund and the Emerging Technology Fund.”