Assemblywoman Diane Harkey has a good idea with her AB 206 introduced last month, which would pull certain coastal fireworks displays out of the restrictions of the California Environmental Quality/Coastal Acts. I hope it is passed just in time for the Fourth of July. Coastal Commission rules have prevented or complicated many 4th of July celebrations in California coastal cities, where flocks of our residents congregate during the summer months. These strict rules should not continue to make more expensive or stop citizens from annual patriotic observances, as the so-called pollution created by them is minimal. Some of the irrational coastal rules affect more than just patriotic fireworks displays. The city council in Rancho Palos Verdes gave Donald Trump legal hell a few years ago at his struggling resort there after a few neighbors complained the American flag flying on the property was "too big" and distracted their coastal views. How selfish of them. The Mormon Temple in Newport Beach got nailed by that city and had to greatly limit it’s features, even though there really was no "view plane" problem. I say give the American flag, the Angel Moroni, and 4th of July fireworks all an exception from the Coast Commission Act rules! In any event, AB 206 is a good idea that Democrats and Republicans ought to be able to agree on.