I’m watching Fox News Channel right now, this Saturday morning, gleeful that the House of Representatives just passed the GOP sponsored $60 billion Federal budget cut. But the announcer said three Republicans voted with Democrats to oppose the budget cuts Republican candidates promised voters last November. And one of them was named John Campbell. Is that true? My God, the New York Times says it is true!!! Did Orange County’s John Campbell actually vote AGAINST $60 billion in budget cuts? If he did, we have a problem in Irvine, mission control! Sometimes the more duplicitous politicians who really want to kiss up to Democrats, or protect their own give-away programs, like the failed TARP program intended to avoid auto industry bankruptcies (and did not avoid them), the same budget busting legislation supported by former car salesman Campbell, will cross the isle but tell conservatives the reason for their vote was “they wanted even more budget cuts.” That would be just more crap from Campbell, who was into failed auto industry business handouts up to his eyebrows going back to the George W. Bush Administration. Though I’m interested to hear Campbell’s spin in joining Barney Frank in this vote, I’d really like to hear what his constituents have to say…..