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James V. Lacy

Al Cardenas of Florida elected new Chairman of ACU

     For the first time in 25 years, the American Conservative Union, noted for it’s "coin of the realm" annual Congressional ratings and for being the lead organization in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference has a new Chairman. David Keene, a former national chairman of Young Americans for Freedom, took the reins of ACU in the early 1980s after the prior Chairman, Congressman Bob Bauman (another former YAF national chairman) resigned after a personal scandal. Keene greatly grew CPAC over the years and maintained high regards for the credibility of the ACU ratings. Now David is scheduled to take over soon as the new President of the National Rifle Association, and by his own admission states he just can’t chair two major organizations at the same time. So, he resigned at the ACU board of directors meeting in Washington, D.C. at the Marriott Wardman Park on upper Connecticut, N.W., and today the Chairmanship opened up for the first time in three decades, during the board meeting.

     Elected without opposition, but not unanimously, was Al Cardenas of Florida.  Al is a former chairman of the Florida Republican Party. He was a supporter of Mitt Romney in the last presidential election, but vows to not lead ACU for any candidate going forward, and states he has not endorsed any candidate for the 2012 Presidential election. Al has a distinguished political background and becomes the first Hispanic Chairman of a major conservative organization. Al does not come to the chairmanship of ACU without some limited controversy, as he supported Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio for the Republican nomination in the recent Senate election in Florida. Rubio, the clear conservative in the race, had the strong support of virtually every other member of the ACU board. (I myself was a maxed out contributor to Rubio.) In addition, ACU and CPAC have seen some separate public controversy regarding a former employee embezzlement currently under review by authorities, and the inclusion of a gay Republican group in CPAC known as GOProud. A few organizations, such as the Heritage Foundation, have decided to not cosponsor CPAC this year. 

     In a significant unifying move today, Becky Norton Dunlop, the Vice-President for External Affairs for the Heritage Foundation, was nominated by Al himself to fill post of Treasurer, vacated by Al becoming chairman, and Becky was unanimously elected. I decided to vote for Al and I wish him well in promoting our cause and dealing with the challenges he faces. Having observed his earlIest actions, I think he will be a great chairman, sensitive to the special beginnings and original purposes, and will take ACU and CPAC to new heights.