On Superbowl Sunday the "Republican Caucus" of the California Teachers Association (CTA] invited me to speak. How could I resist? When the arrangements were made neither I nor the CTA was aware that February 6 would be date of the Superbowl.
Showing up at the Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles at noon I found a 30 foot buffet spread worthy of the hotel’s reputation. A little over the top was the freezer full of Haagan Daaz ice cream. Several hundred CTA union leaders were meeting in the morning. At noon the group divided into various caucuses.
In public speaking, you learn to try to identify with the audience. I explained I earned my lifetime Teaching Credential from CSU Northridge and I currently teach Ethics at Cleveland Chiropractic College — year round.
I offered three points for these union leaders to consider:
Kelley Williams-Bolar, a black single mother — working as a helper in a local school and going to college at night — falsified records to get her two children admitted to a better school school district. She was convicted of two felonies and forced to spend nine days in jail. This, I argued, is a Rosa Parks moment in the school reform movement. Minority parents are desperately trying to survive public school deterioration.
- There is no more money. None. No matter what Jerry Brown does. No matter if they ask taxpayers for more money — year after year — the voters say no. And the CTA needs to understand that. They can either agree to drastic pension and benefits reform going forward for new hires, or agree for a general reduction for all members. There is no other choice.
That AJ Duffy, according to local blogs is Los Angeles’ "Most Dangerous Man." Duffy is the pugnacious union boss of the L.A. teachers union. He is against any reforms, any school charters, any teacher testing. AJ Duffy is the face of the teachers union.
These point didn’t set well with the audience. Someone must have texted AJ Duffy himself. In a few moments he was sitting ten feet away from me.
Then things got interesting. I challenged AJ Duffy to a debate each month in the next 24 months anywhere at anytime. So far no response.
Reacting to hostile questions from the union audience, from the "Republican" caucus, I heard tales why charter schools were ‘sucking’ money and good students away from public schools. That public schools are actually improving (really?).
I then offered three challenges to the CTA Republican Caucus.
- That they immediately pass a resolution support full clemency for Kelley Williams-Bolar.
- That they pass a resolution supporting the parents at Compton’s McKinley Elementary School their right to form a charter school.
- That they see to it that outgoing LA Teachers Union Chief A. J. Duffy does not succeed in his attempt to get elected as Vice President of the CTA.
I did get an award. A multi colored solid rock apple with my name on it.