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Meredith Turney

The Best Idea in Sacramento

Almost three years ago I penned a blog on this very web site expressing my dismay that Republicans were participating in the “There Ought to Be a Law” contest favored by legislators in generating new ideas for bills. Just because a legislator can introduce a new law doesn’t mean he or she should.
Every legislative session the Democrats burden Californians with excessive taxes and regulations. Republicans have the perfect opportunity to provide a stark contrast as the smaller-government party. I suggested a “There Ought NOT to be a Law” contest as an alternative for Republicans to show ways they are reining in spending and cutting bureaucracy.
Well, freshman Senator (and fellow FR blogger) Doug LaMalfa has taken the lead in proving to his constituents he’s serious about protecting their freedom. As reported in the Sac Bee, Senator LaMalfa has launched a “There Ought NOT to be a Law” contest in his district. The Senator is asking his constituents to help him find "excessive, expensive or even downright silly" laws that the legislature can abolish. Undoubtedly, contest entrants will have more than enough laws to submit. (Good luck to the Senator and his staff in selecting just one winner—or loser, as the case may be!)
Thankfully, conservatives do have some great advocates in the legislature, Doug LaMalfa being just one. We need more such representatives who are willing to buck the status quo and actually take on the bureaucracy—even if it’s just one law at a time.

One Response to “The Best Idea in Sacramento”

  1. Says:

    Excellent idea Meredith, and Senator LaMalfa. Law abiding Californians are overwhelmed with laws. Way too many. And the law breakers choose to only obey those laws they like. This is one of the reasons so many businesses are leaving California for states like Texas. Let’s roll back the nonsense.