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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

My Plan for Saving California

Here it is, in under 500 words:

1.  Have every Republican voter reregister as "decline to state";
2.  Run "independent candidates" for every State level office;
3.  Change the name of the California Republican Party to the Fiscally Conservative Party;

If we don’t fix our finances, we’re Greece on steroids.

5 Responses to “My Plan for Saving California”

  1. Says:

    Put a Big “R” on RINOS’foreheads.

    Ban the color purple from t-shirts.

    Change the Dem. party name to California Hyper Socialist Party.

    Rebrand SACBEE completely to the GOVERNMENT WORKER DAILY.

    Ask for the immediate resignation of all California Party pundits and operatives…have them find a good day job!!!!

    Get some new writers for FLASH REPORT who are not pinhead boring!!!!

    Limit me to one post per week!!!!

  2. Says:

    At this point, I can already tell you who will win the Senate and Presidential race in California in 2010 and it won’t be any Republicans.

    Think for a moment…..

    With the current state of the party, what compelling reason is there for anyone to donate money or volunteer. How do you ask someone to give of themselves for an organization that isn’t viable? Is some guy walking precincts for the party really going to make any difference? Is his donation really going to do any good?

    It would seem to me that the average person’s time would be better spent working on behalf of some other non-political cause. I have known a couple people that stopped being politically active because they just see it as a waste of time and money.

  3. Says:

    Is this the SAME Robert Bosich who was offered a regular column
    on the “Flash Report”…….. and Turned it Down !?

    But now he angrily calls for ‘new writers’ at the Flash Report!

    Who is dealing in recycled Double Talk now ?

  4. Says:

    James… James…..Yes I was asked to write a column about a year ago…my impression it was a one time thing….

    I turned it down…that clears the double talk…I’m not a journalist or professional pundit…only a taxpayer…

    I’m willing to fall on the sword and retire from Flash Report if all RINOS do the same….

    However…how could anyone retire when puff pieces, self promotion and outright propaganda is yet to be written by boring pundits and rising RINOS.

  5. Says:

    Finally, a Republican leader with a plan! Mike for Chairman of the CRP!!!