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Barry Jantz

Your Five Days Out Campaign Advice

Five days to go. Let’s face it, here are the only realistic scenarios:

1) You’re going to lose, and absolutely nothing you can feasibly do between now and next Tuesday is going to change that fact.

2) You’re going to win, and nothing your opponent does in the next five days will change that fact.

3) It’s close, and everything you do in the homestretch could have an impact on the outcome. Same for your opponent.

Hindsight in politics being the 20/20 thing that it is, you quite likely don’t know right now which one. So, that means you have to proceed as if it’s number three.

That means three words: Direct Voter Contact.

What are you doing to identify those voters that likely support you, and what are you doing to ensure they have already voted by mail or will vote on Tuesday?*

Simpler said than done, of course, but it really does just come down to that.

*Hint: Yard signs don’t achieve this goal.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts.

5 Responses to “Your Five Days Out Campaign Advice”

  1. Says:

    Soon…..this will be all over!!!

  2. Says:

    The feeling is mutual.

  3. Says:

    OOOOOOH! That smarted….

  4. Says:

    What are your thought’s on Republican gains in California. I feel great about the rest of the Country gains, but very little faith in any gain in CA. Sure hope I am wrong.

  5. Says:

    Soon it will be the AGE of Aquarius….Aquarius…..Aquarius..