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Jon Fleischman

Memo To John Perez: You’re Management Now

Before John Perez was elected to the State Assembly in 1998, he worked professionally for organized labor — unions.  According to his own biography…

After attending the University of California at Berkeley, he became active in the labor movement…  Prior to his election to the State Assembly, John served as political director for the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 324, and previously served in a similar position for the California Labor Federation.

Perez has always had the luxury in his jobs to not have to worry about where money comes from to hire employees and pay their salaries and benefits — that’s the kind of stuff that is on the "management" side of the ledger, not the "labor" side. 

Well, Speaker Perez, in case it isn’t lost on you — at some point (probably about the time you got elected to the legislature, but certainly by the time you were sworn in this last March as Speaker) you have to have realized that you have now crossed over the line.

You are now management.  You are now obligated to look at California state government from all perspectives, no longer just from the narrow point of view of a labor organizer who can be solely worried about getting more pay and more benefits from whichever union has most recently hired you.

It is simply not realistic to look at every issue facing state government asking the question, "What is the in the best interests of state employee union members?"

It’s time to step back, and consider the interests of all Californians.  When you do that, you will have stepped up to provide leadership.

Until then, you are not going to be a good Speaker, just a union political director on the state payroll.

One Response to “Memo To John Perez: You’re Management Now”

  1. Says:

    Give the guy a break….if you were brain washed your whole life that you do not have to work hard, get educated and take risks in society….that your guaranteed a generous safety net as a professional moocher sitting on the porch waiting for benefits….why worry!!!