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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Campaign Launches First Television Spot — “Ma’am”

Later this morning the Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate campaign will formally announce the launch of their first (of many) General Election television commercial.  The 30 second spot, entitled "Ma’am" is

“It has only taken 30 years, but California voters have finally been afforded the complete and accurate picture of Barbara Boxer. In her own words, she demonstrates the arrogance that is the hallmark of a career that has gone on for far too long and will mercifully end on November 2. She’s invested much in furthering her career and liberal ideology but has delivered little for the people of California,” said Carly for California Campaign Manager Marty Wilson. “Boxer’s treatment of General Walsh is seared into the minds of Californians, and this is the beginning of our campaign’s fact-based approach to exposing the lowlights of Barbara Boxer’s career dedicated to raising taxes, increasing the size of government and promoting policies that strangle the private sector’s ability to create jobs. Carly provides the perfect contrast through her background in business and commitment to addressing our country’s challenges with bipartisan, common-sense solutions.”
“Sir” features the infamous exchange between Barbara Boxer and Brigadier General Michael Walsh in which she demands he call her “senator” rather than “ma’am.” “Sir” underscores the arrogance that has become the hallmark of Barbara Boxer’s nearly three decades in Washington and contrasts that to Carly Fiorina’s commitment as a political outsider to focus on bringing people together to get the nation’s economy back on track and restore accountability in our government.

Here is the ad…

One Response to “Fiorina Campaign Launches First Television Spot — “Ma’am””

  1. Says:

    As Caryl’s locks grow longer she becomes much much stronger…..

    Go Carly!!!!!