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Shawn Steel

Chairman Steele ‘full throated’ for O’Donnell



Unlike some well seasoned politicos in DC including the NRSC, Chairman Michael Steele is running hard supporting Christine O’Donnell. See below. 

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Dear RNC Members,





Last night marked the end of a spirited primary season where voters from across the country went to the polls to choose their nominees for this November’s highly anticipated midterm elections. Congratulations to Bob Ehrlich in MD, Christine O’Donnell in DE, Ron Johnson in WI, Carl Paladino in NY, Kelly Ayotte in NH and all our nominees who won last night.  Over the past eight months, Republicans have recruited candidates to run for virtually all 37 Senate seats and 430 of 435 House districts this fall, a total that tops our previous high of 427, set in 1996. Republicans are riding high headed into the midterms with a wide open playing field, an across the board slate of strong candidates, and the political winds at our backs. With just 48 days to go, Republicans stand united and are working harder than ever to finish strong and turn this year’s vast electoral potential into reality.















Chairman Steele “Offered His Full Throated Support For…Christine O’Donnell” And “Urged Party Unity As The Republicans Look To Make Big Gains…” “In an immediate effort to heal the Republican party’s divisions on display in the Delaware Senate race, RNC Chairman Michael Steele offered his full throated support for the tea party backed victor in the race, Christine O’Donnell. Steele urged party unity as the Republicans look to make big gains in the midterm season.” (Quinn Bowman, “RNC Chairman Steele Urges Unity As  He Rolls Out ‘Fire Pelosi’ Bus Tour,” PBS Newshour,  9/15/10)





Chairman Steele “Has Instructed His Staff To Devote Resources And Money To Help Christine O’Donnell In Delaware.” “Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele told CNN Wednesday that he has instructed his staff to devote resources and money to help Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. Specifically, Steele said that he has emphasized to the RNC’s finance staff the need to help set up fundraisers to help stock O’Donnell’s campaign war chest….Steele began a 48 state bus tour Wednesday heading into the November elections.” (Mark Preston, “Steele Pledges To Help O’Donnell,” CNN, 9/15/10)





Sarah Palin: “More Power To Michael Steele.” “‘Some, like RNC Michael Steele, he came out right away and he said, “Yeah, this was a victory in the hands of the people,”’ Palin said, after chiding Republicans who were slow to embrace Christine O’Donnell. ‘More power to Michael Steele.’“ (Ben Smith, “Palin: ‘More Power To Michael Steele,’” Politico, 9/15/10)





The Wall Street Journal: O’Donnell Is A “Rising Star.” “Delaware’s Republican establishment dismissed Christine O’Donnell as a gadfly with a flimsy resume and shallow roots in the state. But on Tuesday, the tea party activist beat the state’s best-known Republican in her campaign for Vice President Joe Biden’s old Senate seat, becoming another rising star in one of the most volatile political seasons in decades.” (Neil King Jr., “In Delaware, Tea Party Gains Newest Star,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/15/10)





Sen. DeMint: “We Are Going To Win Delware.” “Senator Jim DeMint, who has been a champion of Tea Party candidates throughout the nation, said that Christine O’Donnell’s victory in the Delaware Republican Senate primary was proof of a nationwide mobilization of voters in favor of smaller government and that the party’s future hinged on embracing candidates like Ms. O’Donnell and rejecting any moderates who might be willing to vote with Democrats. ‘We are going to win in Delaware,’ Mr. DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, declared in an interview with reporters at the Capitol, in which he dismissed predictions that Ms. O’Donnell would fall short in November.” (David M. Herszenhorn, “DeMint: ‘We Are Going To Win In Delaware,’” The New York Times, 9/15/10)





Rep. Boehner: “The Voters Of Delaware Have Spoken.” “Minority Leader John Boehner was asked about O’Donnell and spun the victory as a sign of support for the Republican agenda: ‘You’ve heard me talk all year about the rebellion that’s going on in America. I’ve never seen more Americans engaged in our government in my lifetime. And you know, the voters of Delaware have spoken and you’re going to continue to hear the American people speak, not just last night but you’re going to her them speak loud and clearly come November.’” (Benjamin Sarlin, “House Leaders OK O’Donnell,” The Daily Beast, 9/15/10)





Rep. Pence: “O’Donnell Demonstrated Her Ability As A Candidate…” “Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) was more explicit in offering support for O’Donnell. ‘Christine O’Donnell demonstrated her ability as a candidate, articulated strong conservative views, reached out to people across the political spectrum, I expect she’ll continue to do that,’ he told reporters.” (Benjamin Sarlin, “House Leaders OK O’Donnell,” The Daily Beast, 9/15/10)





Chairman Steele: “I Look Forward To Electing Christine O’Donnell The Next Senator From Delaware.” “Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says the RNC will support Delaware Senatorial GOP nominee Christine O’Donnell. ‘I look forward to electing Christine O’Donnell the next senator from Delaware,’ said Steele Wednesday at a press conference in Washington kicking off the RNC’s ‘Fire Pelosi’ bus tour. ‘We cannot waste the opportunity by tearing each other down.’” (Jake Gibson, “RNC Supports O’Donnell in Delaware, NRSC Changes Tune,” Fox News, 9/15/10)