The thoughtful commentary below submitted to us from longtime FR friend Amy LeFever. LeFever joined thousands and thousands of Californians over the weekend and on Monday in urging Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado, in his capacity as Acting Governor (Governor Schwarzenegger is on a trade mission in Asia) to file an appeal of the lower court decision in the Proposition 8 case.
Maldonado did not file the appeal, and disappointed many people because of it. Popular talk radio show Dennis Prager devoted a large amount of his time to urging Maldonado to "do the right thing" and file the appeal. Former Attorney General candidate John Eastman had even done all of the necessary legal work, so all that was required of Maldonado was his signature.
So the upshot? It was very disappointing that the Republican Party’s nominee for Lt. Governor would not stand with his party on this key issue.
It was disappointing that Maldonado did not file the appeal — but let us remember that Governor Schwarzenegger himself deserves the brunt of the criticism. His responsibility is to represent the people of California, who voted to pass Proposition 8. His refusal to appeal the decision that was adverse to the people’s wishes was, in my opinion, an abrogation of his responsibility.
OK, I will get off of my soap box now and present Amy’s piece…Maldonado’s Inaction Profoundly Disappointing
by Amy LeFever
“Abel Maldonado…who?” Outside of party political junkies, most people do not know the name or often the function of the Lieutenant Governor. However, this weekend, our current Lieutenant Governor had an opportunity to show the value of the position as well as the man—and he opted to keep both obscure.
In some ways, it is unfortunate that Abel is receiving the wrath of the people on the Proposition 8 appeal issue. The true fault lies in the lap of our Attorney General, and democratic nominee for Governor, Jerry Brown. As the Attorney General, Brown had the responsibility to file an appeal in this case on behalf of the State of California. This didn’t require his support of Proposition 8. It was merely to let the case of the people be heard in court. We as a nation are feeling the repercussions of a leader who disregards the will of the people for his own personal agenda and we cannot afford to place anyone else in leadership that does the same.
After the Attorney General, the Governor himself had a responsibility to support the will of the people of California. But, yet again, we have too often placed people in office that give a “win” to the party, but prove to be losers for the people.
But here we had a golden opportunity for the man, the office and the people to finally be recognized.
While the office of Lieutenant Governor usually goes unnoticed, it is often considered a holding place for future leaders in higher offices. We have a glut of unqualified office-holders seeking to move into higher office. It is time to cut the collateral waste. The constitutional offices of the State are much more important than rungs on the ladder for an individual career in glory. We need leaders who will lead. While I understand the argument that a squishy Republican is better than any Democrat in office, this time I have to disagree. Abel Maldonado had the opportunity to lead. He did not. Abel Maldonado had the opportunity to represent the people of California. He did not. Abel Maldonado had the opportunity to show the value of the office of Lieutenant Governor (and therefore the value of keeping a Republican in that office.) He did not.
Today could have been very different. We could all be talking about the actions of the Lieutenant Governor on behalf of the people of California. However, instead, if I ask most people I know what they think about Abel Maldonado’s decision, I will receive the answer, “Abel Maldonado…who?” And, given what he has demonstrated of his leadership abilities, I will breathe a sigh of relief.
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Thank you Jon and Amy for your on spot post about Mr. Maldonado’s failure to stand up for the people of this State and his Party. Unfortunately this comes as no surprise to me given Mr. Maldonado’s utter failures to follow the CRP Platform in the past.
When people ask me who to vote for this November 2nd, while I do not agree with Meg Whitman on many issues, I can still point to some real positives and contrast her with Former Governor Moonbeam.
Not so with Mr. Maldonado and Gavin Newsome. As far as I am concerned the only difference between Gavin and Abel is party affiliation and their respective hometowns. On policy issues, I can see no difference except that Mayor Newsome does not pretend to be anything but a tax and spend, ultra liberal Democrat while Abel pretends to be a Republican.
Any yes the lion’s share of blame is on Arnold and Jerry Moonbeam Brown but Jerry is just being Jerry and Arnold stopped being a Republican years ago. I hope this November we are rid of them both.
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Flash Report is obsessed with kinky social issues that makes one wonder if the Puritans have landed off Half Moon Bay???
Donors…..never ever give your money to a politican who esposes saving us from social issues..
All political funds must be used to lower taxes, cut spending, getting rid of the gov. worker complex and uplifting the masses through top notch education opportunities and results.
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
“All political funds must be used to lower taxes……”
Abel wouldn’t be the candidate t o give funds based on that either.
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
And…..This didn’t require his support of Proposition 8. It was merely to let the case of the people be heard in court. We as a nation are feeling the repercussions of a leader who disregards the will of the people for his own personal agenda and we cannot afford to place anyone else in leadership that does the same.
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Robert Bosich…
Most perceptive.
“Flash Report is obsessed with kinky social issues that makes one wonder if the Puritans have landed off Half Moon Bay???
Donors… never ever give your money to a politican who esposes saving us from social issues..”
Thanks. Beautifully put.
These issues are precisely why we have high taxes and gun control in CA because the Rs go so far askew in other areas under control of an out-of-touch party management.
If you’ve ever wondered why CA can’t get a bench player to run for governor, can’t get R’s elected in metro areas, and why they have to take outliers like eMeg or little Stevie Poizner to run for Gov, you’ve found the reason. Middle America in CA thinks the Rs are the Party of Theocracy.
Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
The Middle America of California Republicans and conservatives overwhelmingly
voted for Propositon 8 two years ago, and thus to defend Traditional Marriage.
Who says so?
The Field Poll does… Their Oct. 30, 2008 pre-election survey on Proposition 8
found 75% of Republicans supported it….87% of conservatives backed Prop. 8,
as did 84% of those preferring McCain over Obama.
Perhaps Mr. W could call a conevention of Pro-Gun, Anti-Mormon, Pro-Same-
Sex marriage conservatives…. Good Phone Booths are still available !
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Why does this site attract so many penny loafered out of touch RINOS and pussified armchair subversives.
Social issues are personal not to for politics, or legislated, or litigated…let mores, religious,philosphers, hippies, guru’s, enviros and nonbelievers sift it all out among themselves…
Then….you will find how shallow your Flash Report Superstars really are….empty suits cleaning your pockets of donations and taxes and regulations once elected…
September 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Hey, just wait a minute there cowboy…I like my penny loafers.
I especially like my Italian black loafers with tassels. They are very comfortable and yet have a firm pointed shape suitable for kicking the behinds of RINOs like Maldo.
Pussified armchair subversives?
Okay, may be you got me there.
You are right about some of the FR Superstars. I guess the truth hurts.
IMHO, the members of our party who avoid social issues are just as much RINOs as the tax hiking bottom dwellers frequently endorsed by the HJTA.
Robert, are you coming to the WestCPAC RINO convention next month? I would like to meet you and show you my penny loafers.
Thank you for your penetrating insights, dry sense of humor and provactive admonishments here on FR.
September 16th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Ken….thank you, but our work is not done!!!
Ok….you can keep your penny loafers…hope you got them at Goodwill not at Brooks Brothers in SF like MALDO and the California Republican Party tax hike betrayers….