Our president was educated as a child at a Muslim school, that is factually a correct statement, that Obama will not speak to. But whether or not that makes him a Muslim, the ignorance of the religion among highly prejudiced non-Muslims locally and nationally is stunning. In Temecula, reports of opposition to building what otherwise seems to be a beautiful structure dedicated to the same God of Abraham that Jews and Christians pray to, is clearly interwoven with concerns that the Mosque “will bring terrorists” to Riverside County. While it is encouraging to see Mormons and Muslims in Mission Viejo trying hard to understand each other, the mutton-chopped Rev. Terry Jones in Florida has been rebuffed by none other than General David H. Petraeus for his “burn a Koran Day,” which the General thinks will only incite more violence against our troops overseas. Polls show the majority of Americans think of Muslims favorably. The same polls show a majority of Americans don’t want a Mosque built at Ground Zero in New York. I agree with the majority of Americans. I think one can think favorably of religious Muslims and at the same time understand that a Mosque at Ground Zero is an awful idea. And religious people of all faiths, especially Muslins,
need to denounce terrorists. But intelligent people should not think a Mosque anywhere is also a terrible idea, or that book burning parties are anything but unpatriotic.

September 9th, 2010 at 12:00 am
The reason why there is so much ignorance or animus is people are fed up of Sharia law and other stuff that comes across when Islamic people obtain more influence in a western society such as the problems that face in Michigan, Sweden, Britain and the Netherlands.
As long as religion does not violate people’s civil liberties people should be free to practice whatever they want to practice from Xenu, to Jesus Christ to Allah.