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Meredith Turney

Carly Fiorina Announces Position on Ballot Propositions

Carly Fiorina’s campaign just sent out a press release detailing her position on the nine propositions on the ballot this November. Readers may recall that during the debate with Barbara Boxer on Wednesday evening, Fiorina didn’t take a firm stance on Proposition 23, the measure to suspend AB 32. But the press release from her campaign states Fiorina endorses Proposition 23, while calling it a “Band-Aid fix and an imperfect solution.” However, reiterating the point Fiorina made during the debate, it also states, “AB 32 is undoubtedly a job killer, and it should be suspended.” I’ve included the rest of the Fiorina press release below.
FR’s Jennifer Nelson provided some outstanding analysis of the Wednesday evening debate, pointing out the outrageous journalistic malpractice that took place. And my Townhall column this week included my thoughts on the Boxer/Fiorina clash. Also, if you’d like to weigh in on who won the debate, the Sacramento Bee has an online poll.

Carly Fiorina Announces Positions on
Statewide Ballot Measures
SACRAMENTO, CA – U.S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina today issued the following statements announcing her positions on the propositions on the November statewide ballot:

Proposition 19 (Legalizes Marijuana Under California But Not Federal Law): OPPOSE
“I oppose the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana. I also believe medical marijuana dispensaries must be consistently regulated to ensure they are complying with California’s medical marijuana law and are not fronts for illegal drug distribution.”

Proposition 20 (Redistricting Of Congressional Districts): SUPPORT
“Washington insiders like Barbara Boxer will do whatever it takes to ensure their own re-election. But the power to draw district lines – and therefore to give voters the opportunity to make a real choice on Election Day – rightfully lies with the people.”

Proposition 21 (Establishes $18 Annual Vehicle License Surcharge To Help Fund State Parks And Wildlife Programs): OPPOSE
“The $18 surcharge established by this proposition amounts to a $500 million tax on Californians. I have said since day one that I will not support any new or increased taxes on California’s families and enterprises, and that’s why I oppose this measure.”

Proposition 22 (Prohibits The State From Borrowing Or Taking Funds Used For Transportation, Redevelopment, Or Local Government Projects And Services): OPPOSE
“While the state should not engage in the practice of raiding local government coffers, placing rigid requirements on how state resources are allocated deprives the Legislature of the opportunity to exercise its discretion and judgment on fiscal matters.”

Proposition 23 (Suspends Implementation Of AB 32 Until Unemployment Drops To 5.5 Percent Or Less For Full Year): SUPPORT
“Proposition 23 is a Band-Aid fix and an imperfect solution to addressing our nation’s climate and energy challenges. The real solution to these challenges lies not with a single state taking action on its own, but rather with global action. That’s why we need a comprehensive, national energy solution that funds energy R&D and takes advantage of every source of domestic energy we have – including nuclear, wind and solar – in an environmentally responsible way. That said, AB 32 is undoubtedly a job killer, and it should be suspended.”

Proposition 24 (Repeals Recent Legislation That Would Allow Businesses To Lower Their Tax Liability): OPPOSE

“In these difficult economic times, we should be supporting our state’s companies as they expand – not making it harder for them to do business here in California and hire California workers.”

Proposition 25 (Changes Legislative Vote Requirement To Pass Budget And Budget-Related Legislation From Two-Thirds To A Simple Majority): OPPOSE
“Our nation was founded on the belief that the minority party should always have a voice. But this proposition would allow politicians to avoid having to develop a compromise budget that takes into consideration the minority party’s priorities and views. Furthermore, this proposition would allow legislators to hike taxes by a simple-majority vote – a dangerous path that will lead to even higher taxes on our state’s families and enterprises.”

Proposition 26 (Requires That Certain State And Local Fees Be Approved By Two-Thirds Vote): SUPPORT
“We cannot allow politicians to continue saddling Californians with higher and higher taxes simply by playing the name game.”

Proposition 27 (Eliminates The State Commission On Redistricting): OPPOSE
“Career politicians like Barbara Boxer will do anything it takes to save their own jobs – and that includes trying to take away voters’ power to draw competitive legislative districts. We must not allow politicians to override the will of the people and walk back the redistricting reforms voters approved at the ballot box.”

One Response to “Carly Fiorina Announces Position on Ballot Propositions”

  1. Says:

    How is she for respect of honorable, brave, decisive, genuine, results orientated and dedicated United States Generals….