I personally believe that the bigger liar to Congress is California’s Henry Waxman, and not former pitching ace Roger Clemens. The churlish California Congressman has told some real whoppers in the Capitol, such as the time he took George W, Bush to task for lying to Congress about the justification for the war in Iraq. Waxman made media hay out of the so-called “16 words” of a Bush State of the Union speech that said British intelligence had reported Saddam Hussein was looking for some uranium. The statement was true at the time it was made, but Waxman’s mode of operation in that case was to lie about what he said was a lie to promote his anti-war agenda. Are you following me? Clemens may have taken steroids – I don’t know. Like Barry Bonds, at the time he might have taken them, they were legal. Clemens problem was responding to a Waxman subpoena. Regardless, if the requirement to get indicted in Washington is to tell lie to Congress, I’m sure the only member of Congress who wouldn’t be in jail today would be Ron Paul, who wouldn’t have the needed mental capacity.

August 22nd, 2010 at 12:00 am
In Nov…if Republicans can take the House…investigate and investigate every czar, every advisor, every Dem. committe chairman…go for emails, notes, letters, policy, speeches, fund raisers everything….time for offense…