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Senator Tony Strickland

Too Little. Too Late. Too Political.

I have to respond to Controller John Chiang’s most recent order where he is calling for transparency in local government salaries…

Once again the media has exposed massive fraud and abuse of tax dollars.  This time it was the City of Bell.
The pattern of the media exposing waste is becoming all too familiar.  From reading about new, unused, and parked Cal Trans trucks stored under freeway overpasses to the Controller’s $100 million failure to upgrade California’s computer payroll system, the media seems to be doing John Chiang’s job.  
John Chiang’s order today is too late and smells political.  His cries for transparency are another example of the Controller following rather than leading.
His failure to exercise his greatest power – the power to audit – is costing taxpayers millions.

2 Responses to “Too Little. Too Late. Too Political.”

  1. Says:

    I think it isn’t enough and I would like to easily see what kind of budget assembly and senate people have for the various offices and staffing of them, the per diems, the money spent on cars, airplate flights, etc. Afterall, it is taxpayer money. Why don’t you propose that – afterall you are running for controller. Quit bellyaching and do something.

  2. Says:

    Everyone else can already easily see that. The Sacramento Bee website has the information – they don’t bother with per diems, because those are fixed amounts (that’s what per diem means).

    Now, go shill for John “It’s Not My Job” Chiang somewhere else.