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Jon Fleischman

Rob Stutzman: Whitman Campaign Update

Rob Stutzman of the Meg Whitman for Governor campaign sent out an update to various folks, including this website publisher.  With his blessing, I am sharing it with you, our loyal readers…

It’s been a while since I’ve sent out a bit of a campaign update.  I’ve broadened my list so some of you are getting one of these for the first time.  If you’re receiving this, I’m assuming you’re tracking the race whether you’re a journalist, government affairs advocate (why say “lobbyist”?) or a British bookmaker.

I’ve gotten several questions this morning about the PPIC poll.  While the poll essentially shows the base voters of each party are with their candidates and the swing vote is up for grabs, I always feel the need to caution seeing PPIC polls as good candidate polls.  PPIC is a real treasure for California and their work is very important on issues and understanding the social science of California.  But for candidate polling, one wants a “snapshot” that fairly replicates the issues being discussed in the campaign and PPIC is neither. The survey was in the field beginning on July 6 (23 days ago) and was in the field for a total of 14 days.  Obviously that methodology cannot provide instant or a completely up to date snapshot of where any political race is at. 

Additionally, this particular PPIC poll focused on environmental issues.  That means voters were literally asked around three dozen questions about environmental policy before they were ever asked about the candidates for governor or senate.  So they weren’t asked about taxes, jobs or government spending.  Just the environment.  Obviously that conditions the sample in a manner that plausibly favors Democrat candidates.

So, is PPIC wildly inaccurate?  Probably not, the race is a jump ball, game is on.  But drawing conclusions (as one journalist did this morning re: our strategy) would be frankly foolish.  Our strategy is working well.  We are gaining an upper hand in defining Meg and defining Jerry.  The information we are giving voters now about Jerry’s record of failure and Meg’s plan to create jobs will matter in the fall.  Early definition is an important advantage.

Jerry is constantly responding to the terms we are setting and his campaign continues to appear to be amateurish and underperforming.  Case in point this week when Sterling Clifford attacked Meg on Monday with the charge of an unpaid tax bill from Massachusetts that was noted by the LA Times to have been recycled research and dealt with months ago.  Then of course the next day Clifford had to explain why Jerry had an Alameda County tax lien in the past.  These guys don’t even know their own vulnerabilities.  And don’t’ be fooled by their challenge to release tax returns.  Meg will release tax returns when Jerry is willing to release his from the 1980s.  Ah…the corporate years.  Not exactly the populism shtick Jerry wants voters to believe.  Voters might not like finding out how much money he was making while working for polluters and trying to place jobs overseas. 

Let me know if you have any questions I can answer, but we’re head down and confident in the course of this race. 



4 Responses to “Rob Stutzman: Whitman Campaign Update”

  1. Says:

    Are her comments in ENGLISH?

  2. Says:

    Thanks for dissing most of the base on illegal immigration. Great strategery Rob. Why won’t Meg go on John & Ken & discuss this issue now?

  3. Says:

    How is Meg going to combat her provably anti-gun reputation?

    90% of the gunnies I know will NOT vote for a gungrabber like Meg.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA

  4. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    A lot of grumbling and disappointment regarding eMeg.
    The super rich people who buy there way in is why we do not get Tom McClintock type Common sense conservative Governors here in California. Don’t blame me, I voted for Ken Miller as my protest vote in response to Godzilla vs. Rodan in the primary.

    However, as eMeg is the republican nominee, I am not further protesting by voting for the libertarian because that will only improve the odds for moonbeam.