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Jon Fleischman

State Senate Campaigns: Weekly Update

Just in from State Senate Republican Campaign HQ…

Weekly Update
Senate District 12
This week Anthony Cannella’s campaign opened volunteer-hub offices in Modesto and downtown Salinas to augment the two volunteer hubs already active in Merced County.  Cannella’s campaign continues to deploy dozens of volunteers into the precincts every weekend. 
Upcoming Event:  Anthony will be in Sacramento for a fundraising event Wednesday, August 18 at 5:30 PM at Mix.  Contact Jamie Mori.
Caballero Watch:  It’s a telling sign that Anna Caballero’s website lists a total of five endorsements from Merced, Madera, and Stanislaus Counties.  By contrast, Anthony Cannella’s website lists more than 100 endorsements.
Senate District 15
Recent polling data shows that Sam Blakeslee holds a double-digit lead over John Laird. According to early absentee ballot returns, Republicans are again outpacing Democrats by a margin similar to that in the June 22 first election.  One reason for these strong returns is that the Blakeslee Campaign has walked over 375 precincts so far and is expected to increase that to over 500 by mid-next week.  The Blakeslee campaign is also on the air and in the mail box.
Senate District 16
Since his primary win, Tim Thiesen has been busy assembling his team for the November election.  Matt Rexroad of Meridian Pacific is serving as the lead consultant, while veteran strategist Wayne Johnson is on board to handle media.  The campaign also hired Wendy Warfield to serve as Finance Director, and former Rick Keene Chief of Staff Cliff Wagner is serving as Campaign Manager.
Rubio Watch:  While Kern County Supervisor Michael Rubio continues to struggle with legal issues involving the fact that he didn’t live in the 16th Senate District when he filed to run, it’s interesting to note that Rubio’s problems finding the District’s lines extend beyond the location of his home.  According to the Kern County Clerk, more than half of Rubio’s ‘signatures in lieu’ – fully 1,548 signatures – were found to be invalid.