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Jon Fleischman

Priceless Video: Embattled San Berdo Supe Biane Makes Public Apology For Negative Campaign Mailer

Back before the June primary, I penned this commentary in which I strongly endorsed my friend and conservative colleague Janice Rutherford (pictured) in her campaign to unseat incumbent San Bernardino County Supervisor Paul Biane.

While the main reason for my support for Janice comes from the fact that she is awesome, and I would be inclined to support her for any office (incumbent or no), I also have significant issues that Biane opposed having the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors go on record opposing the 2009 budget deal, and the largest tax increase in history of any state. 

Anyways, Biane clearly and early identified that Janice, a popular councilwoman from Fontana, would be his main opponent.  He spent down his campaign coffers, blasting Janice (undeservedly) with negative campaign mail — especially attacked her role as a steward of Fontana city finances.  The attack was so harsh that the Riverside Press Enterprise wrote an entire story about it.

It is clear to me that Biane’s strategy was to try and win re-election outright in June with a majority of the vote.  I don’t blame him — incumbents who get held below 50% typically have a very tough go of it in the November runoff.  Fortunately for Janice, and most unfortunately for Biane, the voters delivered him a near-death sentence on June 8th.  When the dust settled, Biane not only came in under 50%, but he garnered a dismal 34.27% of the vote.  Or to put it another way, over 65% of voters cast a vote against their incumbent Supervisor.  He nearly was beat out by Janice, who came in a close second with 31.21%! 

Most political observers that I have talked to about his race now see Janice as the favorite, with Biane very unlikely to get re-elected to a second term.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, they say.  Apparently Biane is now on an "apology tour" — that’s the only way I can describe this video below (provided courtesy of our strategic partners at  This video is taken at a Fontana City Council meeting.  With Janice sitting right in front of him, observe Biane tripping over himself to "mea culpa" for his attack piece…

(Find out more about Janice and her campaign here.)


One Response to “Priceless Video: Embattled San Berdo Supe Biane Makes Public Apology For Negative Campaign Mailer”

  1. Arrowhead.Ken@Charter.Net Says:

    There is no chance for Paul to win the run off with these numbers. It just is simple math.It would have been better to go down with dignity in the primary rather than get drug through the gutter all the way until November. Could make
    things a little grouchy around the Thanksgiving table perhaps.

    I am looking forward to the new supervisor and I have high hopes considering Jon’s enthusiatic support of Janice.

    I would like to see Paul do a good job and make some real positive contributions while he is still on the board. That would be great for everyone up here in the 909, where we enjoy the good life.