This just in from State Senate Republican Leader Elect Bob Dutton, who really calls Assembly Speaker John Perez to task…
Time for Legislative Leaders and Governor to Work Out Budget Agreement
Senator Bob Dutton
Today marks the 14th day California taxpayers are being held hostage without a state budget. Currently, the state is spending $52 million a day more than it is bringing in. This delay has now cost taxpayers more than $725 million.
As the vice chair of the Senate Budget Committee and a member of the Joint Conference Committee, it’s clear to me that since Democrats aren’t willing to vote on the governor’s budget, or any other version of the budget, it’s time for legislative leaders and the governor to begin daily negotiations.
Unfortunately, Assembly Speaker Perez is refusing to negotiate a budget with the governor and legislative leaders. Instead, he has sent a secret e-mail telling his members that he won’t even begin negotiating the budget unless the governor agrees to raising taxes to fund more government spending.
The problem with Speaker Perez’s position is that eventually he, the governor and the other legislative leaders will have to meet and negotiate the final product that comes before the Legislature. Those meetings should start right now.
During my time in the Legislature, I’ve strived to use common sense when considering the vital issues facing this state – especially those that affect California taxpayers.
Sadly, Speaker Perez has chosen to abandon common sense in this process. The result will prolong and make this budget process more difficult.
I’m calling on Speaker Perez to begin immediately meeting with the governor and other legislative leaders to negotiate a final budget.

July 15th, 2010 at 12:00 am
Patience patience it is only money!!!!…nothing is going to go down for months. Maldo and Villnes have to whip the remaining RINOS…that takes time…..and of course, “it’s for the children”.
And shucks…you cannot ask the new Commie leader on the block to roll over…. shame on you!!!!