Governor Schwarzenegger has proposed moving the pork-laden $11++ billion “water” bond to the 2012 ballot. The Governor says it is to focus on budget issues. The correct action would be to repeal it all together. With literally billions of dollars in unneeded spending in it, there is no good time to put it before voters. That said, I commend the Governor for recognizing that spending less money is the priority right now, not spending more.

July 1st, 2010 at 12:00 am
Thank you for the info Doug.
The Siskiyou County Republican Central Committee with unanimous consent opposes the water bond.
Many up here in Siskiyou County oppose it. As you mentioned, the bond wastes $250 million to destroy 4 dams.
All of us in the north state know that they provide flood protection, hydropower for 70,000 homes and holds 60,000 acre feet of water storage that is a senior water right for the Shasta Valley farmers in Siskiyou County.
The California Republican Party County Chairman’s Association at the Fall 2009 CA GOP convention as well as previously the North Division CA Republican Women composed of 37 Northern California Counties both passed resolutions opposing the tearing down of these said dams.
They doomed the water bond in Siskiyou County when they included the money for dam removal. And probably lost support in other areas of the north state and whole state as well.
We’re glad they are re-thinking the bond.
July 1st, 2010 at 12:00 am
Thank you for all of your coverage on this important issue.
According to the California Republican Party’s 2008-2011 Platform, it is clear regarding bonded indebtedness
Under the heading “The Economy” it states:
“For California’s businesses to grow, thrive, and create wealth, a first-class physical infrastructure is necessary. California’s politicians have, instead, elected to spend California’s income on unnecessary social programs and have given little money for critical infrastructure. These same politicians then insist that the only way to fund infrastructure is bonded indebtedness. We reject that and call for reductions in unnecessary government spending so more money is available for the infrastructure our economy needs. Infrastructure should be “pay-as-you-go” as soon as possible.”
Under the heading “Taxes and Government Spending” the platform states:
“We oppose additional bonded indebtedness.”
We as Republicans should respect the wisdom of our Platform.