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Barry Jantz

U-T’s America’s Finest Blog in limbo

As changes at the Union-Trib continue with last week’s seventh round of staff layoffs, it appears no stone is being left unturned as management determines the future of the paper, including its online content.  Check out yesterday’s entry by Chris Reed on America’s Finest Blog

Let’s hope the mucketies at the paper find continued value in pushing the blog medium forward and allowing it to expand, not gutting it.  Reed’s blog gives some unique political perspective and more of a cutting edge approach than can be found in the traditional broadsheet.

If anything has held AFB back from more of a following, it’s been the U-T’s lack of hi-liting and marketing it, so more readers would know it was there.

All of these things take money, of course, something not as abundant as a few years ago, especially in the world of newsprint.  However, the future of news is in the far less costly electrons of on-line content, as compared to paper and ink.

It would seem a step backwards to end a blog that takes the U-T in that direction.