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Congressman John Campbell

Trimming the Fat

Spending Reductions: The spending lobby, the mainstream media, recipients of taxpayer largess, and virtually all elected Democrats would have you believe that we have already cut spending to the bone and that there is no more to be done and the economy and people will suffer if we cut any more, so you we must pay a bunch more in taxes to prevent this calamity.

Baloney! Rubbish! No Way, Dude!

Don’t believe them. Governments at all levels are loaded with fat, waste, abuse,  overpaid employees, and unnecessary programs. Here is a taste of the literally dozens of spending cut proposals that exist in Congress in one form or another. Some of these are relatively small dollars (only in government is $1 million "small") and others are much bigger. This is not an exhaustive list by any means. I present it only to give you a flavor of what is possible.

The cuts below total $16 billion worth of savings, and this doesn’t even include the major reform of the entitlement programs (Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security) where the really really big, long-term dollars are.  

Eliminate “Community Development” Programs:  This proposal would eliminate all programs under the Community Development Fund at an annual savings of $4.45 billion.

Eliminate Essential Air Service (EAS) Program:   This proposal would eliminate spending for the EAS program, at an estimated annual savings of $150 million.

Eliminate the International Trade Administration:  This proposal would eliminate the International Trade Administration at an estimated annual savings of $447 million. 

Eliminate the Technology Innovation Program (TIP):  This proposal would eliminate the Technology Innovation Program (TIP) at an annual savings of $70 million. 

Eliminate the Manufacturing Extension Partnership Program:  This proposal would eliminate the program at an annual savings of $125 million. 

Eliminate Trade and Development Agency:  This proposal would eliminate funding for the Trade and Development Agency at an annual savings of $55 million.

Eliminate the New Starts Transit Program:  This proposal would eliminate the New Starts Transit Program at a savings of $2 billion annually. 

Exchange Programs for Alaska, Natives Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts:  This proposal would eliminate the program at a savings of $9 million annually. 

Eliminate Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants:  This proposal would eliminate Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants at a savings of $2.5 billion annually. 

Eliminate Amtrak Subsidies:  This proposal would eliminate subsidies to Amtrak at a savings of $1.565 billion annually. 

Eliminate Title X Family Planning:  This proposal would eliminate Title X Family Planning at an annual savings of $318 million. 

Appalachian Regional Commission:  This proposal would eliminate this program, saving taxpayers $76 million annually. 

Eliminate the Economic Development Administration (EDA):  This proposal would eliminate spending for the EDA at an estimated annual savings of $293 million.

Eliminate Subsidy to Corporation for Public Broadcasting:  This proposal would eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting at an annual savings of $445 million. 

Eliminate National Endowment for Arts (NEA) Subsidy:  This proposal would eliminate this taxpayer subsidy at an annual savings of $167.5 million.

Eliminate National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Subsidy:  This proposal would eliminate this taxpayer subsidy at an annual savings of $167.5 million.

Eliminate Funding for National and Community Service Act:  This proposal would eliminate federal funding for this purpose at an annual savings of $1.15 billion. 

Eliminate the Energy Star Program:  This proposal would eliminate the Energy Star Program at a savings of $52.5 million annually.  

Eliminate International Fund for Ireland:  This proposal would eliminate taxpayer funding for this program at a savings of $17 million annually. 

Eliminate U.S. Agency for International Development:  This option would eliminate the U.S. Agency for International Development, saving taxpayers $1.39 billion annually. 

Eliminate Economic Assistance to Egypt:  This option would eliminate Economic Support Fund aid to Egypt (Foreign Military Financing Program assistance would continue), saving taxpayers $250 million annually.

Eliminate Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority:  This proposal calls for eliminating this special subsidy to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority at a savings of $150 million annually.