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James V. Lacy

Please, not another gay pride day.

It is summer and I just can’t avoid vacations centered around Gay Pride Days, at least that is what my friend and fellow YAFer Darin Henry says.  I honestly don’t plan my vacations around these colorful events.   Not that there is anything wrong with them.  But it just happens.  And too much!

   Three years ago my wife and I planned a vacation to New York City and were able to snag a nifty room at the Peninsula Hotel at 555 Fifth Ave.  Turned out it was ground zero for the annual Pride Parade, which I honestly had no idea was occurring this weekend.   Below is a picture I shot at the time of one of the Pride Day participants.  Streets were shut down all around the hotel and our lunch ended up being a dirty dog at a stand, because we couldn’t cross the street for raviolis.

   Then we went to San Francisco last year for vacation.  What happened?   Pride Day Parade weekend.  Lunch in the hotel.  We decided we would go to church the next day.

   I’m off to Dublin next week to work on my family tree.  I’ll be in that lovely city for five days, working at the archives at Trinity College to pull info on 12 generations of Lacy’s traced right back to Ireland in 1500s.  But what is going on during my stay?  I just consulted the Internet and the Dublin "Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transsexual, and Queer Pride festival" will be going on during my entire visit.  I honestly didn’t plan my trip to coincide with this event.   Not that there is anything wrong with that.

3 Responses to “Please, not another gay pride day.”

  1. Says:

    You know what’s curious – – James seems to plan all of his business trips and holidays around places that just happen to be holding gay pride parades. What a coincidence.

  2. Says:

    I wish there were multiple St. Patrick’s Days too.

  3. Says:
    Handy website for James to use to make sure his destination does not have a gay pride parade or festival. Even so, hotel rooms might be cheaper on non-parade weeks so thats a positive on the economic front.