Just took a lengthy poll from the Yes on Proposition 33 campaign (yeah they asked if I worked in politics and I said no… but in exchange I offer that I hadn’t ever heard of the proposition, and I answered honestly). The gist of it was whether or not I would support a series of backwards tax increases on businesses. The pro-side argument was that they were “out of state” businesses that were basically screwing me by getting tax breaks when my taxes were increased, the anti side that it might hurt small business and the recovery (recovery? what recovery?). I’m an attorney and I found the poll as a whole very confusing in terms of technical jargon… long winded technical jargon. There has to be a easier series of questions to determine whether a person is prejudiced for or against big business and what would get them to move one way or the other. Also, they tested a series of organizations that sounded like sham organizations — ie organizations set up as shills by a pr firm. On the positive side I loved the last question “regardless of how you are going to vote which of these arguments makes you want to vote yes” (paraphrased).