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Jason Cabel Roe

Carly on Babs ‘Do

Who cares? I mean who gives a rat’s a** how Carly Fiorina feels about Barbara Boxer’s hair?

I learned about the gaffe watching The Today Show and was not so much stunned about the less-than-guarded moment than the fact that The Today Show thought it was so important that it was in the lede of the morning telecast, followed by an introduction by former View co-host Meredith Viera (yes, The View…the epitome of female cattiness) in which the video was shown and then went to a commercial break…with no comment. Both of these happened at the top of the hour…seriously, at the top of the hour while we deal with the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico by BP, two wars, a $1.5 trillion deficit, a $14 trillion debt, a totalitarian government seemingly emasculating every aspect of American life, and the biggest disaster of all – the Obama presidency.

The lack of Today Show commentary was acknowledgment that it wasn’t actually news but rather a gratuitous whack at Fiorina in her challenge to liberal icon Boxer.

Do I wish Fiorina had not done it? Of course. It was not the most endearing portrait of an affluent woman who is using her personal wealth to fund (in part) her campaign for Senate. But I will at least point out that it isn’t like Fiorina is some trust fund dilettante sneering down her nose at the unwashed masses. She’s an accomplished woman who started as a secretary and worked extremely hard in an era when women with her ambitions were not exactly embraced to become one of the most powerful women in American business. This is what we should be concerned about in her character, not the fact that she, like many women, happens to notice other women’s hair styles.

There is not a single person that will bother to read this post that hasn’t – or doesn’t – make these kinds of superficial judgments about others at some time or another. And it certainly isn’t as ridiculous as Boxer’s admonishing an American general testifying before her committee to call her “Senator” rather the fairly traditional and respectful use of the word “ma’am” when addressing her. I don’t recall The Today Show covering that unfortunate exchange.