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Matt Rexroad

Supervisors Upset on Tuesday

County government in California saw some major changes on Tuesday. Around the state we saw a number of Supervisors lose to challengers.

In Butte County Supervisor Jane Dolan lost to Larry Wahl.

Inyo County saw Supervisor Beverly Brown earn 333 votes while challenger Rick Pucci was able to get 702 or 51.66% of the vote and prevent a November run-off.   Pucci is the former City Manager for Bishop.  It is not too common to see someone make that transition.

In Lassen County Supervisor Lloyd Keefer was defeated by Larry Wosick. Wosick got 1,086 votes.

In Mariposa County Supervisor Brad Aborn was beaten by Lee Stetson.

Merced County Supervisor and former Merced County Republican Party Chairman Mike Nelson was surprised by Linn Davis.  This one was a shocker.

Nevada County Supervisor John Spencer appears to have lost a close race to Terry Lamphier.

Modoc County saw David Allen beat Supervisor Daniel Macsay.  Allen had 94 votes compared to 69 for Macsay according to this article in the Alturas newspaper.

Republican strong hold Placer County had Republican Supervisor Rocky Rockholm upset by Democrat Jack Duran.

Robert Rivas simply destroyed San Benito Supervisor Pat Loe when he earned more than 70% of the vote.  Rivas is going to be a force in San Benito County and the region.  Also in San Benito County, Supervisor Reb Monaco (I just met him last week) had served for eight years.  He watched his two challengers earn almost 85% of the vote as he got just 471 votes..  He will not be part of the run-off in November.

San Bernardino County Supervisor Paul Biane is in big trouble.  He was held under 35% of the vote while Fontana City Councilwoman and all around super star Janice Rutherford Lin was right behind him.  When an incumbent is held to under 40% of the vote and every newspaper in the area is trashing him daily things are not going well.

Tuolomne County Supervisor Paolo Maffei only got about 35% of the vote against Randy Hanvelt. Hanvelt will become a Supervisor in January.

Most all of these candidates that were challenging focused on changing things and cleaning up budget problems.  This election was not about endorsement lists and credentials to serve.

4 Responses to “Supervisors Upset on Tuesday”

  1. Says:

    I know that you and your public employee labor buddies are upset that you couldn’t beat John Benoit in Riverside County. I suspect that would have been #1 on your list if you had prevailed.

    But, alas, the voters just didn’t buy your load of hooey.

  2. Says:

    Yes Dana. Benoit and SEIU won the election in Riverside County.

  3. Says:


  4. Says:

    Jane Dolan was the longest serving Supervisor in CA. It has been 32 years since her husband, CA democratic party sleaze master Bob Mulholland, lied and smeared her way into that office. Dolan was the last of Tom Hayden’s original CED members in office. Dolan had every public employee union at Butte County backing her.

    Bob Mulholland & Dolan had a 41% democratic to 28% Republican registration advantage. Mulholland did his worst, throwing everything he could think of at us. We beat Mulholland with an unabashed conservative Republican running on conservative Republican ideas.

    Ponder upon that ~ John Gillander