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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Statewide Election Results ReCap

As is always the case after a major election, there is much more to write about than there is time to write!  Look for more substantive analysis on specific races and such, but for this morning, I will take a stab at some overall analysis – all of which will be too brief in any one, but this is an overview, after all.  I am not going to be pouring election numbers into this, you can get plenty of that elsewhere.  Before I start my run down, I want to echo the praise extended by FR friend Aaron McLear to the Capitol Press Corps who all stepped up in their blogging and tweeting last night.  Outstanding.   Also a reminder – I am mostly looking at GOP races – someone else will take a closer look at the Dems…

OK, off to the races…


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7 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Statewide Election Results ReCap”


    Jon, I think you shorted the tremendous job Damon Dunn did to win the Secretary of State nomination. His work (campaign)ethic is something we all should take personal note of.

  2. Says:

    Thank you Jon for the wrap up.

    I would add on the Don Wagner race, Scott Voigts, Don’s campaign manager, did a great job on the ground game of precinct walks for his candidate every weekend – CRA, Altas PAC, Young Repubilcans and other groups (and Don himself of course) came to Don’s walks to hand out campaign literature to their friends and neighbors.

    Yes Don’s win is bitter sweet with the loss of Don’s son last Saturday. Lets keep he and his family in our prayers.

  3. Says:

    Jon, I hate to correct you, but in CD 19 Jim Patterson won Fresno…it appeared to be duel of bases between Denham and Patterson, with Mariposa (George Radanovich’s home) and Tuolomne Counties weighing in heavy for Denham to tip the race his way…great work by Phil Paule

  4. Says:

    As someone who voted for Poizner, I thought his concession speech was ungracious and churlish. I have no problem voting for Whitman in November, and he should have had no problem endorsing her.

    BTW, for a well-done and honorable concession, Chuck DeVore wins the prize.

  5. Says:

    It’s not as if he was up against a powerhouse candidate.

  6. Says:

    I wouldn’t be so quick to write obituaries in the San Bernardino County Supervisor’s election just yet. One of Janice Rutherford’s closest campaign advisors–Upland Mayor John Pomerski-is on the receiving end of an FBI raid today.

  7. Says:

    So what? Voters won’t necessarily go for smears.