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Jennifer Nelson

New election website by IGS + others

Check out this new website developed by the Institute for Government Studies at UC Berkeley.  It called California Choices and it is a partnership between IGS, the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford, the Center for California Studies at Sacramento State, and Next 10, a Bay Area "green" think tank founded and funded by venture capitalist F. Noel Perry.  This website shows the positions most major statewide organizations have taken on state ballot measures and allows you to email your positions to friends.  

This could be a handy tool when your friends and family call to find out how you voted on the ballot measures.  The only issue is that the website does not tell you how they might be using the information collected during the transmission of information from friend to friend.  Are they collecting and tallying the info?  Are they collecting emails?  I’m assuming that if the website proves to be useful to the public over the long term those questions eventually will be answered.