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Jason Cabel Roe

Must watch…43rd AD

Very interesting numbers coming out of absentee data in the Special Election run-off to be held concurrently with the Primary Election on Tuesday.

As of Friday, absentee ballots returned:

  • 4,576 Democrats
  • 4,103 Republicans
  • 1,217 Decline-to-state
  • 1,559 Armenians

This is a district with about 50% Democrats, 25% Republicans, and 25% DTS.  About 1/3 of the voters are expected to be Armenian.  This is significant because Republicans should have a much higher turnout on Tuesday with very competitive races for Governor and U.S. Senate while the Democrats do not have similar competitiveness (and let’s face it, less than hyper-partisan voters are not flocking to the polls to vote for Assembly).

Republican businessman Sunder Ramani has actually raised impressive amounts of money though not at the level of his Democrat opponent who is able to rake in special interest money from Sacramento.

Ramani has considerable support in the Armenian community and is considered a strong ally while the Democrat, Mike Gatto, is distrusted and has shown very little concern for Armenian issues.  Ramani’s campaign has invested the bulk of his resources in targeting Armenians and if he is able to win a solid majority there, secure 90% of the Republican vote, 60% of the DTS vote, and 20% of the Democrat vote, he will win.

All of those targets are doable and if everything hits right, Assembly Republicans will have an impressive win under their belts in advance of the November elections.

I’d urge Flash readers to help Sunder’s cause by making a contribution to his campaign today.

Sunder Ramani is a client of Revolvis Consulting.

2 Responses to “Must watch…43rd AD”

  1. Says:

    There is no excuse for Sunder not winning this thing back on April 13th and thus being able to run as an incumbent now. Where the hell was Republican turnout?

  2. Says:

    (1) Barack Obama won this district, the 43rd Assembly, with 70.3 %
    of the total votes cast in Nov. 2008 .

    (2) Incumbent Democrat Assemblyman Paul Krekorian won a new
    term that same day in the 43rd with 67.9%.

    Given that history, it is remarkable that Republican Sunder Ramani
    has a chance to win the runoff special election here on Tuesday.
    Tip of the Hat to him and Revolvis for making the 43rd Assembly
    district competitive again.